Tuesday 16 January 2018 | 75

The Zoe Cell mobilised for beaten geese, also in court for Copain the cat

The Zoe Cell mobilised for beaten geese, also in court for Copain the cat

Mis à jour le 20 August 2020

This is unacceptable that peaceful animals, who ask nothing of anyone, be beaten, maimed, persecuted and killed by violent humans! One Voice’s Zoe Cell is there for them, of course and will not allow this!

Hr blog

The geese of a woman escaped to frolic in the garden next door. Surely the grass would have looked greener on the other side. The neighbour then turned on them in front of a witness horrified by the violence of the blows that cost the lives of one of the geese. One Voice will be a civil party to this for acts of cruelty.

In the East of France, the Zoe Cell is also mobilised for Buddy, who in September lost his life to two 9mm bullets just before returning home! One Voice filed a law suit in order for the perpetrator (s) not to remain unpunished.

A couple from Moselle, generous to a fault, had welcomed Copain, a stray cat, who had found in their other cat Tigrou (Tigger) a faithful companion. Copain had been part of the family for three years; he was an integral member of the family.

End of September 2017, their protectors are on vacation and the cats are for a few days under the supervision of the neighbour who knows them well. Tigger and Copain go out for their usual evening stroll in the neighbourhood. Later the neighbour calls Copain who has not yet returned. She hears two gunshots and rushes into the street. She then sees Copain coming out of nowhere and collapsing on the tarmac before he can reach the house. He will die after a few gasps, his main artery perforated by a 9 mm bullet as the autopsy of the veterinarian will reveal.

Tigrou lost his friend; Copain lost his life, because that night a human wanted to kill. This crime cannot remain unpunished.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 75

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Michka | Sunday 21 January 2018

Les personnes faisant preuve de cruauté et de violence envers tout être vivant doivent être jugées et condamnées.

Geneviève | Saturday 20 January 2018

Inadmissible cette violence gratuite, simplement sur pulsion, quelle qu'elle soit. Je n'ose imaginer ce que ces monstres seraient capables de faire, par des temps encore plus troublés, en sachant qu'ils ne risquent quasiment rien. J'ai honte de faire partie du genre humain souvent. Heureusement que vous et vos autres confrères défenseurs des animaux vous battez sans relâche. Merci à tous.

G | Saturday 20 January 2018

Comment un pays évolué et un gouvernement peuvent ils laisser quiconque tuer une vie,peut importe l'espèce, étant donné ce que cela révèle de la dangerosité du tueur pour la société? Il est temps que les lois soient punitives et à la hauteur des conséquences de l'acte pour une société plus sûre.

Claire | Friday 19 January 2018

Il ne faut pas oublier que les animaux sont des êtres vivants avec leur sensibilité, tout comme l'humain. Il faut que les atrocités dont ils sont victimes cessent.