Monday 18 February 2019 | 23

The rescue of Jesko, a security dog locked in a car

The rescue of Jesko, a security dog locked in a car

Mis à jour le 04 March 2019

On the morning of Friday February 1st, thanks to our hounding and our investigations day and night the police were able to proceed to the seizure of Jesko. This four-year-old dog had been tortured by a security guard who had kept him confined in the trunk of his car in a region of Paris. A rescue in line with the regulations by the Zoé Cell of One Voice!

Hr blog

All winter in a chest to call for help

From morning until night in November, December and January, Jesko was locked in the boot of the car of a security guard who, it seemed, was using him for his work. The rest of the time, therefore, he was stored in a cage, like a tool in his box, the misty and dirty windows barely ajar at the back, under heaps of blankets and objects of all kinds. We couldn’t see him easily as the car was hidden. Some days only the muffled barking of his distress could be heard.

Our investigation to prove this abuse

After an investigation day and night, we discovered the extent of the situation that this dog had been suffering in since last summer. Sometimes invisible to the passers-by, locked up in a heap of mess, whatever the temperature. Sometimes spending the whole night by himself turning aimlessly around and around inside the car, deprived of a decent shelter. His life was complete loneliness, most of the time locked up in the darkness.

Without rescue, Jesko would have slowly died.

Following this investigation and our complaint for Jesko, the prosecutor allowed Carine, Nicolas, Elise and Erwan, the officers of the police brigade assigned to his case, to proceed to his seizure whilst he’s was being held in the car on Friday February 1st during the morning.    

In the trunk, neither water nor food. And in the cage, he could not even stand up. How could he move? Or to relieve oneself? Impossible. No love or warmth of human comfort were offered to him. A scenario of the worst was to be confirmed. Death was prowling around him, watching and waiting. The veterinarian noted his muscular atrophy; he was dehydrated and wasting away. A Malinois of his age in good health generally weighs 40 kilos. Jesko was barely more than half this weight.

Jesko is now in a shelter and the security guard is in custody.

He will never return to this "dog handler". Our Cell Zoe is assured of this. We are taking care of all the veterinary costs for Jesko and we collected him that afternoon, thanks to the agents who were very concerned about the fate of this unfortunate one who passed from home to home.

We also thank and congratulate the police and justice services that have allowed this rescue to take place under the best conditions. The offending man immediately spent the night in custody at theGrand Court of Créteil. The prosecution has already held against him crimes of serious abuse. His trial will be held on March 13th. We will do everything to ensure that he is sentenced to a lifetime ban on the possession of an animal.

A convalescence surrounded by attention

For the moment, Jesko's distress is palpable: he stares at the doors eager to get out of any enclosed space and throws himself on the water bowls. To be fully happy, he will need loving and caring people. We will bring to him all the necessary care.

Jesko is now waiting for a family in Loire-Atlantique, near to a veterinarian who will follow him for as long as he needs it (expenses fully supported by One Voice).

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 23

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Stephane | Thursday 21 February 2019

Merci a One Voice d'avoir sauve Jesko de cet enfer!

cara | Thursday 21 February 2019

Belle et longue vie à toi Jesko!
Amour et Liberté pour ta nouvelle vie auprès de maitres aimants!!

christine | Thursday 21 February 2019

Malheureusement, JESKO n'est pas un cas isolé. J'avais il y a quelques années dénoncé à la SNCF le cas d'un maitre chien qui assurait la sécurité dans une gare de banlieue et dont le malinois vivait en permanence dans le coffre de sa voiture. J'avais discuté avec ce vigile qui quoique faisant preuve de bonne volonté dans ses paroles, ne semblait pas très conscient du bien-être de l'animal. Suite à mon intervention, je ne l'ai plus revu. Même gare : j'étais intervenue auprès d'un vigile qui "savatait" son chien à coup de rangers. J'ai ameuté les voyageurs et le personnel de la gare. Il n'est jamais revenu travailler.... J'espère que les chiens s'en sont sortis.
Les chiens ne sont que des instruments de travail pour des salariés parfois clandestins munis de faux papiers et qui se repassent l'animal toute la journée. Le chien n'a aucun repos et son état physique est souvent lamentable. Si les employeurs exigeaient chaque année un certificat vétérinaire de bonne santé ainsi que les justificatifs d'identification et de vaccination, ces cas de maltraitance seraient limités. A chacun de nous de rester vigilant, et d'intervenir ou de dénoncer.
Ce vigile tortionnaire doit être sévèrement puni avec interdiction de détenir un animal A VIE ! Espérons que les juges du tribunal de Créteil seront sensibles à la condition animale.

VERONIQUE | Thursday 21 February 2019

Merci à ONE VOICE pour JESKO, un sauvetage de PLUS.
Merci de continuer toutes les luttes, dont celle près de chez moi, afin de fermer le centre de chiens Condamnés pour des expérimentations, à MEZILLES 89, une horreur.