Monday 24 January 2022 | 44

The harrowing cry for help from the Zavatta Circus lions in Freneuse

The harrowing cry for help from the Zavatta Circus lions in Freneuse

Mis à jour le 02 June 2022

They were roaring in a closed trailer... in the dark and overcrowded for more than a month. The lions and lionesses were hidden in a trailer and closed in for four weeks in a town in the Yvelines department. We are filing a complaint against the Zavatta Circus Fleury production.

Hr blog

Since mid-December, the Zavatta Circus, belonging to Jackson Fleury, set up its yellow lorries in Freneuse in an industrial area. The mayor had specifically allowed the set up to be authorised without any wild animals, to correspond to the beliefs of the city council and its electors. The circus had accepted and was able to put on their shows during all of the holidays and more, without big cats on the programme.

Roars as so many cries for help

But three days before leaving, the roaring of the big cats could be heard in the neighbourhood, coming from closed trailers. The town’s Mayoress therefore asked for our help. At the same time, their presence was confirmed by an opening of a metal gate which gave a glimpse of a lioness and a lion...

Social skills in fraud and lies

The police went to visit these places. And conveniently, if we are to believe the circus members, the lorry ‘had just arrived’ when the inspection by the authorities took place. However, a neighbour, who our investigator met yesterday when the circus demonstrated the material, attested to them having been there for several weeks. So the animals had not once been taken out of the trailer in thirty-two days!

The circus members have no respect for the animals that they exploit. For them they are just a source of income. Our non-stop work has allowed an increased awareness for around twenty years. The fact that the circus members prefer to hold them prisoner for several weeks in a row is even more proof that their well-being is the least of their worries!

A complaint filed at the Versailles Legal Tribunal

We are filing a complaint for non-standard operation of an establishment keeping animals of non-domestic species, mistreatment by a professional, and the placing or keeping in a habitat, environment, or facility which may be the cause of suffering.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 44

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anne | Monday 07 March 2022

Espérons que la plainte aboutira. Merci pour votre combat, merci aussi à Madame le Maire de Fréneuse. Mais qui sont ceux qui osent encore défendre la présence de bêtes sauvages dans les cirques? Quels sont les monstres qui vont voir ces malheureux avec leurs enfants et jouir de leur misère? Qui sont tous les complices de ces malfaiteurs?
Réponse: -ceux qui ont des intérêts financiers dans l'affaire, les indifférents à la souffrance d'autrui et les imbéciles.
Cela fait,hélas beaucoup de monde!

Sab | Saturday 12 February 2022

Les cirques ça suffit !!! STOP !!!

Sudi | Tuesday 08 February 2022

Honteux criminel

Huon | Monday 07 February 2022
