Wednesday 22 June 2016 | 74

The appalling shark massacre

The appalling shark massacre

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

Exposing unimaginable violence, these images of shark fishing off the Peruvian coast are simply horrifying. One Voice had to act: in collaboration with its international partners, the campaign has been launched to put an end to this barbaric practice!

Hr blog

In Peruvian waters, sharks baited by dolphin meat are hauled onto the deck, where their noses are cut off and they are left to agonise in a corner. The pregnant mothers are gutted where their baby sharks are then trampled on. The images filmed by our partner Mundo Azul (Blue World) are disturbing but leave no doubt: this must stop!

Sharks aren't the most popular of creatures, which is probably why this appalling practice continues. But because they engender fear, does this mean that they do not deserve respect? Because their reputation is as bad as it is unfounded, can we allow them to suffer without consequence for their aggressors? They don't belong on the (illegal) menu in restaurants, nor on the market stalls. Their place is in the ocean, their home, where they play a fundamental role, impacting the balance of the entire planet…

These horrific images must lead to the end of these barbaric practices! One Voice is launching a campaign on behalf of the sharks. We have joined forces with Blue Voice, OceanCare and Mundo Azul to act locally with an information and awareness campaign for the Peruvians. In parallel, we are going to undertake spot checks in restaurants. Because it mustn't be forgotten, sharks are protected species!

And because international opinion counts, One Voice has launched a petition in France which will be addressed to the Peruvian ambassador.

To support our work; to save the sharks in Peru, please sign and share the petition!

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Comments 74

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Hélène DUQ | Thursday 23 June 2016

Combien d'hommes sont tués par des requins dans une année ?
Combien de requins sont tués par les hommes en une année ?
Pas de doute, l'Homme est l'ultime prédateur.
Vous voulez changer ça ? SIGNEZ

Mimi | Thursday 23 June 2016

Ce que vous faites est tout simplement ignoble. Il faut punir ces assassins.

Michèle | Thursday 23 June 2016

Stop aux massacres !!!!

Tina | Thursday 23 June 2016

A vomir... Il faut faire cesser ces horreurs au plus vite.