Friday 26 February 2016 | 22

Testimonials: The farm of 1000 cows visited by farmers!

Testimonials: The farm of 1000 cows visited by farmers!

Mis à jour le 28 April 2019

Since 2014, the "farm of 1000 cows" is scandalous and rightly so. One Voice shares with you the testimony of two farmers who were disturbed by the fate of the cows locked up in this cruel and polluting factory.

Hr blog

It is in the Somme area, near Abbeville, that the "farm of a thousand cows" sprang up, from the idea of a rich French entrepreneur. "Inspired" by the huge US and German farms, he decided to develop the concept in France. The premises are intended for the exploitation of 1000 "dairy" cows and 750 calves and heifers, although today it has received authorization "only" for 500 cows. Here, the animals will not know the meadow and will go into boxes in the rotating milking parlour three times a day. For the two farmers who visited this factory farm, the infrastructure is unsuitable and causes multiple injuries to the cattle. An operation of this size can in no way guarantee them at the very minimum a life of well-being. For One Voice, who is already denouncing their suffering in traditional farms, this objectification of animals is intolerable !

"In some small farms where there are milking robots, the cows are going to be hooked up alone, when they want to. While there, at the "farm of 1000 cows", no it is not possible. It's slavery for cows." (From a retired breeder - read the full story here)

In connection with the farm, there is a methanizer that will convert the excrement of cows into energy, resold with a large profit to EDF. A profit such as, for some, it largely exceeds the dairy production objective of the farm. But this process is not environmentally friendly despite the announcement of the effects. Slurry will be supplemented by other green waste. The residues (digests) will be so rich in nitrogen that they will be spread onto the soil like a fertilizer, this will pollute the water and the air. It is they who are responsible for the proliferation of green algae in Brittany where methanisation is largely associated with pig farming ... One Voice supports the Novissen association which brings together residents opposed to this "cow factory" and who will be the first collateral victims.

"The plough that picks up the dung passes near their hooves; it's made of rubber apparently. But there is one cow who had lost her balance. This cow, was left lying between the concrete and the back of the plough. And now she is useless... After this she was limping ... You sould have seen her hooves, they were all shattered. There was blood. There were many who had it on their feet. And that one, I saw her lose her balance with the plough." (From a retired breeder - read the full story here)

Producing milk on an industrial scale also means producing calves at the same rate. Do not forget that if cows produce milk, it is to feed their little ones! In this Kafkaesque environment, they will be torn from their mothers whose heart-breaking appeals will be ignored. Males will be slaughtered after being transported and sold in terrible conditions (see our survey of "cattle markets"). The females will be fattened to become producers - if they survive. All this to satisfy humans who want to continue to consume milk even into adulthood, despite the risks to their health and the controversy of this type of consumption... Is this production still possible if all are agreed to finally open their eyes on the mental and emotional life of cows?

"How do you want them to be, these animals? Cows, we called them and they came back immediately, they were caressed. An animal ...that it is ... Have you seen a dog? Well, it's like a dog. An animal, who comes to lick you. They followed me in the pasture. They followed me as a person following another person." (From a retired breeder - read the full story here)

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In the subject

Cage hens: during the hearing before the State Council, the public reporter proves NGOs right Unpublished investigation: deer farming and culling in France. No respite for wild animals

Comments 22

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

jojo_amiens | Monday 29 February 2016

C'est atroce d'élever les animaux de cette façon, ils ont plus de vaches que le nombre autorisé en plus, mais personne ne peut (voire veut) faire quelque chose. Cela fait des années que ça dure. Cela doit rapporter gros (et rincer où il le faut) pour être protégé comme ça.

jade | Sunday 28 February 2016

Parce que je veux...........................

Lise | Saturday 27 February 2016

Ce sont de vrais camps de concentration élaborés par des néonazis !
Et ce sont des innocents qui y souffrent et meurent; pourquoi ?!
Pour que certains en retirent des profits, pour que beaucoup d'humains deviennent progressivement malades, pour que les labos les soignent à coup de médocs afin que ces labos fassent à leur tour des profits...Les malades souffrent et meurent à cause de la malbouffe et de l'ignorance; cela dégage du P.I.B. !! Les pouvoirs en place se font du fric et jouissent toujours de plus de pouvoir, dû à la sottise des peuples qui n'osent se rebeller...La boucle est bouclée; oui c'est le monde de Kafka, de Huxley et Orwell réunis...pour le pire !
Mais si nous le voulions vraiment, nous pourrions tous ensemble créer un monde meilleur où le respect et l'amour de tout espèce vivante serait le but.
Si nous nous en donnions les moyens...Je rê je tape sur mon clavier tout en rêvant...
Une petite éleveuse de quelques biquettes où chacune a un nom et des câlins et de vraies pâtures où cabrioler et une vraie chèvrerie ensoleillée avec cour de récré !!

liligrenade | Friday 26 February 2016

Il faut se battre contre cette désanimalisation des bêtes? tout cela est barbare, fait pour le fric . çà empoisonne la vie et la mort des bêtes, çà les fait souffrir, et souffrir les humains, pour l'argent, c'est honteux !!!! Ces gros patrons, ils l'emporteront leur argent, dans leurs tombes?