Monday 14 January 2019 | 91

Take part in removing traps that drown!

Take part in removing traps that drown!

Mis à jour le 23 January 2019

In the context of the ongoing hunting reform, the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition finally takes animals into account. A consultation is underway for a draft decree for the removal of traps that drown. Join with us to participate in the abolition of these traps, this decree must be validated!

Hr blog

Finally, a draft decree that we support wholeheartedly! It will allow for traps that drown animals that are classified as pests "likely to cause damage" to be banned. In other words, mainly the nutria and muskrats, but they can still trap other animals, including our companions such as mink for example. Death by drowning, it’s hard to anything worse. 

Four and a half years ago, the National Council of Hunting gave an unfavourable opinion towards the suppression of this type of trap, but since then, civil society has changed and no longer wants this. Our systematic opposition to all situations that cause suffering to animals is supported by more and more citizens. The barbarism of humans is no longer accepted. The Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition finally seems to take this into account, at least for this particular subject and bypassing the opinion of hunters. This is one of the demands we made in our petition supported by more than 166,000 people, for a radical reform of hunting: the ban on traps that kill.

Admittedly, this is only a first step. If this project is adopted, only this method will disappear, not the trapping of nutria and muskrats ... But this small advance allows to move towards a more emphatic society. We will have already taken the first step forward if this is well and truly published. Let's take part in this public consultation!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 91

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Céline | Thursday 25 April 2019

Je tombe sur ce post malheureusement trop tard pour pouvoir apporter ma contribution à cette consultation qui est maintenant close. Suggestion : est-il possible, soit dans la lettre mail que vous nous adressez, soit dans une fenêtre dédiée sur le site, de nous communiquer les liens vers de prochaines consultations ? Éventuellement avec quelques arguments clés car des fois les sujets sont techniques et si on veut être pertinent, un coup de main peut s'avérer utile ;-)

one voice | Friday 03 May 2019

merci pour ce message. Nous sommes nous-mêmes informés parfois tardivement, donc ce n'est pas facile de communiquer avec de l'avance. Nous retenons votre idée d'arguments qui pourront être utilisés, merci de cette suggestion. Bien cordialement, bon weekend.

Nel Warendon | Wednesday 27 February 2019

Je demande la suppression des pièges noyants. Stop a la cruauté et à la souffrance. Nous voulons l'éthique partout!

mariane17 | Saturday 02 February 2019

Je donne un avis favorable au projet d’arrêté supprimant les pièges noyants.
Il faut prendre en compte la souffrance animale,et ne plus tolérer toute cette barbarie!
Respectons les animaux,protégeons la biodiversité ,merci!

coco | Thursday 31 January 2019

Arrêtons de tuer cet environnement qu'il soit végétal ou animal, les animaux sont nos alliés