Monday 08 August 2022 | 13

Stopping the transport of primates with Air France: we want more information

Stopping the transport of primates with Air France: we want more information

Mis à jour le 21 November 2022

At the end of June, the Twitter account for Air France Newsroom announced Air France’s decision to stop transporting primates for laboratories until the end of its current contracts. An historic commitment, which was limited to just a tweet. We have written to the airline company and still have not had a reply. Ask Air France to confirm the conditions of their commitment alongside us.

Hr blog

A series of innovations for primates in 2022: after Air France’s announcement and the ban on using primates born to captive parents from November 2022, we recently learnt the classification of crab-eating macaques (the primates most used in laboratories) is in the ‘endangered’ category of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list. A combination of factors that frighten animal testing lobbies.

Despite this news, Air France has not responded to our letter from 1 July 2022, in which we asked for a meeting with their services in order to better understand the context and the conditions of their historic decision concerning the transport of primates.

We would like more information

To support our request and appeal to Air France to meet with us, share our tweet:

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Nicolas Marty
Hr blog

In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 13

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

eytak | Thursday 11 August 2022

je suis contre les exportations d'animaux pour les expériences que je trouves scandaleux

pouguy | Thursday 11 August 2022

c'est bien de le dire, mais reste à le faire et surtout le respecter

regus | Thursday 11 August 2022

Il serait temps qu'Air France mette un terme aussi à ces expéditions de primates vers des laboratoires où ils ne connaissent que souffrance !!

Dorian | Tuesday 09 August 2022

Go végétarien ou vegan pour les animaux ❤️ Les animaux sont des êtres vivants sensibles et sentient (désigne la capacité d'éprouver des choses subjectivement, d'avoir conscience de son existence) . Ils peuvent être heureux comme les humains. Ils ont une conscience et des émotions tout comme les humains. Ils ressentent la douleur comme nous. Les faire souffrir est donc totalement immoral. La meilleur solution pour ne pas les tuer et faire souffrir est de devenir végétarien ou végétalien ❤️

Melutina | Friday 12 August 2022

Être vegan, c'est bien mais ça ne suffit pas. Les labos testent les médicaments chimiques!!!