Sunday 05 November 2023 | 14

Stella, the wolfdog threatened with death in France, could live safely in Italy

Stella, the wolfdog threatened with death in France, could live safely in Italy

Mis à jour le 28 February 2024

At the beginning of May 2023, we received a concerning report: a wolfdog found herself in a pound and was at risk of being euthanised if no solution was found. After the initial misunderstandings, we put a chain of solidarity in place in order to find a placement solution. On 3 June, Stella arrived at our Animanatura sanctuary in Italy. Thus begins a new life, sheltered from all danger.

Hr blog

On 2 May 2023, we were contacted by a wildlife specialist. A pound asked her to take charge of a hybrid wolf, dependent on specific legislation. Due to lack of space, she cannot take the animal, named Stella, in, and has already contacted a number of approved establishments, which do not have the possibility - or the desire in some cases - to participate in this rescue.

In France, problems are regulated with lethal injections

In the pound since March and with no opportunity for placement, time was running out for Stella who was at risk of being slaughtered if a solution was not found quickly.

Faced with the urgency of the situation, we got ourselves organised and in less than twenty-four hours, a place was secured in our Animanatura Wild Sanctuary which already welcomed lions Céleste, Hannah, Marli, and Patty in May 2022 who we saved from the Cirque de Paris Circus three years ago.

A new life in Italy

Stella’s transfer was finally authorised by the authorities with some difficulty! After having taken her in and scheduled her vaccinations and neutering, issued her with a passport, organised transport, built a temporary welcome park in Italy, even though everything was ready, we thought that everything was going to be cancelled due to an internal disagreement within the administrations responsible for approving her departure, with some comparing Stella to a wolf or a hybrid, and others to a dog... This would have all been for nothing without our willpower and the determination of our local ally, who we thank warmly.

Stella was finally authorised to leave French soil on Friday 2 June in the morning. After a long journey, she arrived in Tuscany the next day. She is currently living in her transition park. Soon, she will find herself in a more spacious park that we are building for her, where she will spend the rest of her life in semi-freedom, cared for and protected from any dangers.

You can sponsor her to help us take care of Stella!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Lola Rebollo
Hr blog

In the subject

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them New wolf captivity areas? It’s a no!

Comments 14

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Zanimo | Wednesday 22 November 2023

Il est bien connu que la France est particulièrement attardée notamment sur sa position vis-à-vis du loup. Ses proches voisins tels l’Italie, l’Espagne, la Suisse ont eux une connaissance, donc une approche, intelligentes !

olivo | Friday 17 November 2023

Nous devons avoir honte, en France, de la manière dont nous protégeons nos animaux. D'autres pays européens sont plus efficaces. Heureusement que One Voice et d'autres associations veillent au grain.

Carotte | Sunday 12 November 2023

Super nouvelle! Ça fait tellement plaisir de lire des Happy end, merci merci 🙏
Pour votre acharnement et détermination. Ça fait chaud au ❤️

Viviane | Wednesday 08 November 2023

Bravo !