Tuesday 07 January 2020 | 1

Solidarity Fund, Emergency Australia

Solidarity Fund, Emergency Australia

Mis à jour le 09 July 2020

Hr blog

Dear friends,

By choosing to defend animals, we have broadened beyond the horizons the human meaning for family. This is even more evident in the name of solidarity within our great family that I am writing to you about. At the dawn of every new year, I always ask myself the same question: will we be able to face the unexpected, the «hard knocks»?

In January 2005, our veterinarians were the first on site in India and on the Andaman Islands, following the tsunami that had ravaged Asia. Then again in 2010, we were present in Haiti, which had just been devastated by an earthquake of unprecedented violence.

For the animals. Because we refused to make a painful choice: we responded to the emergency, ensuring the work of the underground campaigns that we had set up a «solidarity action fund» to face with maximum responsiveness to the unexpected. We did this without cutting the budget allocated to the campaigns.

Today, the huge fires in Australia claim millions of lives. I must tell you about these animals, even if words are not enough in the face of such appalling images, in the agony of koalas, kangaroos, opossum ... burned alive in fires.

We witness their desperate flight, trapped in the middle of the blaze, we hear their cries. The tiny paw of a koala which stretches out to seize the hand of his saviour, a real anchor of gratitude and love in the middle of this apocalypse.

Given the magnitude of this tragedy, to respond to calls for help from our Australian partners (who came in 2018 at our invitation to speak about the situation of wild animals, especially kangaroos) and because we cannot remain spectators to this situation, we need to act. For Australian animals, we have chosen to help two courageous and outstanding organisations: Koalas in Care and WIRES (Australian Wildlife Rescue Association). So, I decided to relaunch this "solidarity action fund", to support them with emergencies, but also to anchor our emergency response capacities in the long term.

It is with great emotion and immense hope that I invite you to participate in this emergency and contingency fund. With a donation, you allow us to intervene immediately in crisis and absolute emergency situations.

With all my heart, I thank you for taking the time to read this, and I sincerely hope for your support towards this Operation of Solidarity Fund for Australia.

I am very grateful to you for your help for the animals.

Muriel Arnal, President and Founder of One Voice

Hr blog

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Comments 1

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trochu | Tuesday 07 January 2020

Je suis avec grand intérêt, émotion et tristesse ces incendies horribles qui touchent l'Australie et mes pensées vont très fort aux animaux, êtres vivants. Ils subissent constamment l'indifférence sans parler du manque cruel de respect et considération. Je pense bien évidemment aussi aux humains qui sont obligés de quitter leurs habitats totalement détruits. Mais quel triste spectacle de tous ces kangourous, koalas et autres animaux brûlés vifs et cherchant à s'enfuir. Cette situation nous attend tous dans les années à venir, nous allons connaître de plus en plus la canicule, la sécheresse et nos gouvernements ne semblent pas mesurer l'importance des dégâts à tous niveaux pour animaux et humains. Je vous remercie vraiment ONE VOICE.