Tuesday 15 June 2021 | 63

Senator International Air Freight: flights from the USA full of dogs for laboratories in France

Senator International Air Freight: flights from the USA full of dogs for laboratories in France

Mis à jour le 17 June 2021

On Thursday 20 May, a cargo of around a hundred beagles was sent from South Carolina to Germany. Their final destination was laboratories in France. We need you to call on the air freight company, Senator International Air Freight, to stop this evil trade.

Hr blog

Version of 16 June 2021:

Senator International stops transporting dogs to laboratories for animal experiments!

Senator international Air Freight took barely 24 hours to respond to us. The company has looked at our case and in future it will not be involved in the transport of live animals.

So, it is no longer necessary to challenge them on social media or write to them (except to say thank you).

We are grateful to the company’s management for listening to our arguments. And, above all, we are grateful to the whistleblower who trusted us to preserve his anonymity and to spread the word about the issue he wanted to raise. Our thanks to all of you for the help you have given us in this shocking affair. And well done for taking action to help the dogs destined for laboratories!

Click on the image above to enlarge it

We did research after an alert from a whistleblower. The beagles spent 14 hours on the road in trucks, crossing the east of the United States before arriving in the burning heat of South Carolina. They were all caged in shipping crates and loaded on a palette into the trailer, like a consignment of goods. They were unloaded at the airport, where the whistleblower was able to take some photos. Staff then loaded them onto a flight for Germany, from where they were transferred to France where they will suffer test after test in laboratories. Senator International, the air freight company, regularly carries such cargo. It also works for other companies, such as Bosch and even BMW.

Transport of dogs from the United States to France: a lucrative trade

The main American breeder sending dogs from the US to France is Marshall Farms, the ‘bioresource’ company, which bought the Gannat site in Allier from Harlan, against which we have taken legal proceedings, and which is seeking to extend its commercial influence in France. It would not be surprising if the dogs came from Marshall Farms’ North Rose site in New York State, as that is where the trucks that transported the dogs to the Greenville-Spartanburg international airport are registered. Nor would it be surprising if they were destined for the company’s site in Lyon, as Lyon is the only city in France where Senator International has a branch at the airport

These beagles are in living hell, from birth to death

The unfortunate beagles are reared in animal facilities which provide guarantees to the laboratories as to the type of dogs to be sent. They are separated from their mothers soon after birth. The same operations are carried out in Mézilles in France, where we have obtained images of the bitches used for breeding and the comfortless cells in the maternity building, where they have no respite from the constant cycle of pregnancy, giving birth and feeding puppies. As soon as the breeder decides that the puppies should be weaned and that they are ready, they are put into crates.

That is when the journey through the United States begins. It lasts around fifteen hours. At the end of such a long journey, the dogs are exhausted, stressed, thirsty and hungry. They have had to perform their bodily functions in the crates in which they are imprisoned. But the journey is not over: they still have a flight of around eight hours, not counting any stopovers, in a freight aircraft. The same applies when they arrive in Germany: a stopover, then the next journey, from Germany to France.

And that is when the real torture begins: continual experiments, more or less invasive and painful, until they die. And often, post-mortem, their organs are used for analysis.

Translated from the French by Jo Durning

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 63

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Mimi | Monday 21 June 2021

Nous devons tous agir ! Un animal ressent exactement comme nous humains. Allons-nous le comprendre réellement? DÉFINITIVEMENT ?
Qui sait ne peut qu'agir.
Il n'y a pas de plus grave et insensé que celui qui dit ne pas agir pas parce qu'il ne peut agir beaucoup.
RÉALISONS l'horreur de ce que subissent tant d'animaux et élevons notre Humanité à plus de Conscience pour plus de PAIX!

Isaline | Sunday 20 June 2021

C'est vraiment terrible pour ces pauvres chiens, venir au monde pour vivre
un enfer du début à la fin.
Il serait temps d'ouvrir les yeux et stopper tout cela!!
Merci à One Voice de défendre les animaux, de parler pour eux qui ne le peuvent pas.

Zébulon | Saturday 19 June 2021

Quand prendra fin l'expérimentation animale ?
Un filon pour des individus sans scrupules pour faire de l'argent sur le dos de ces pauvres animaux sans défenses.

Nat | Friday 18 June 2021

Arrêtons de torturer les animaux. Stop à ce commerce honteux.