Tuesday 28 November 2023 | 15

Purchasing ammunition in tobacconist's: smoking is bad, killing is (surely) better?!

Purchasing ammunition in tobacconist's: smoking is bad, killing is (surely) better?!

Mis à jour le 19 April 2024

This government is definitely under hunters’ thumbs like none before, as One Voice has been saying repeatedly. After lowering the cost of the national licence and giving repeated gifts, and even though this hobby kills millions of animals every year and causes several deaths and hundreds of accidents among humans, the Ministry of the Interior certainly has nothing better to do than to authorise the sale of bullets and other cartridges by newsagents. After having bought a scratch card to “protect biodiversity”, you can then take a packet of expanding bullets to go on a massacre.

Hr blog

The very words of Willy Schraen, FNC President: Emmanuel Macron “has done more for French hunting than any of his predecessors[1]. And it is an understatement to say that between those protecting animals and those who want to kill them, the French President and his ministers have clearlyx chosen their side.

[1] Moral report from the FNC President delivered at the FNC general meeting on 20 March 2019.

Tobacconist’s: the government’s secret weapon to protect biodiversity

In its “strategy” to protect nature, the State seems to have found a new essential participant: newsagents. A few weeks ago, we found out about the launch, with much fanfare, of a scratch card for biodiversity. Asking French people themselves to pay for protecting the environment and to also compensate for the lack of investment by authorities - what a great discovery!

These are undoubtedly the same enlightened minds who developed the latest proposal by the Ministry of the Interior: allowing shooters to buy their ammunition directly from tobacco shops. These are torture instruments: bullets formerly reserved for the army that are now legal, they are expanding projectiles that open up inside the animal, causing it unimaginable suffering... All of this will now be at the disposition at the corner shop where anyone can buy rolling papers, drink a small glass of red, and kill at the same time. But we have been reassured: according to the Ministry of the Interior, “from 1 January, tobacconist’s will be able to learn about the regulations on the sale of hunting cartridges in a few hours”...

Consequently, we have already launched a legal plea to obtain a ban on certain types of weapons and better safety for this practice; the government seems determined to persist in supporting the hunting world.

The FNC: an influential group pampered by authorities

Today, it is clear that fake propositions from the minister in charge of hunting safety, each more ridiculous than the next, were just an illusion to continue to support hunters at any cost.

They are firing on all cylinders and do not hesitate in rehashing their usual arguments to present themselves as the only ones to have something reasonable to say. The minutes from the FNC general meeting, published by a whistle-blower, are a telling illustration of this: allegations against “new right-thinking society” who are “afraid of their origins”, and a scientific analysis that would make palaeontologists hopping mad, when W. Schraen stated that it is “human beings who, with a desire to dominate the animal kingdom, at one time made us come down from the trees to chase after others quite simply to eat them”... A funny interpretation of existing knowledge.

Through coshing their arguments and whinging about compensation for damage caused by wild boars that will cost them too much - all while raising these same wild boars in their masses to kill them - they received their umpteenth favour: several million euros per year, at the taxpayer's expense, to promote hunting... no, sorry - to protect the environment. On the menu: teaching children how to use a knife in schools, installing plastic nest boxes that are dangerous for birds... All with a complete lack of transparency, and we understand that the media has recently revealed the calamitous management of these funds and the more than dubious use of public money.

While 89% of French people believe that this deadly hobby poses safety issues (IPSOS/One Voice survey, October 2023), it is about time that the government finally listens to the majority’s voices! To help, sign our petition to demand a radical reform on hunting!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Maxime Lambret et Elise Loutry
Hr blog

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Comments 15

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Shogun 74 | Tuesday 19 December 2023

L'état fait fort, trouver des munitions dans les bureaux de tabac, il n'y a plus de limite pour encourager la violence, n'importe qui pourra s'approvisionner, nous allons rejoindre les États-Unis et leur violence !... Pour gâter les chasseurs rien n'arrête nos dirigeants. C'est révoltant !... Quand on voit le comportement désastreux des chasseurs, qui n'ont aucun respect pour les animaux, les traîner morts derrière une voiture, ou les mettre sur un fauteuil roulant ça les fait beaucoup rire, là ils viennent d'abattre "Eole" un vieux cerf, emblème de la forêt de Mormal, le 13 décembre il sera abattu par un chasseur fou furieux, ils avaient dit, il finira paisiblement sa vie, ils n'ont pas résisté, "Eole" ne verra plus le soleil se lever, alors je pleure...

Collectif des riverains du ball trap permanent de Ville sur Jarnioux | Wednesday 13 December 2023

Mme la ministre de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie sur la dissémination dans l’environnement des plombs de chasse et de tirs aux pigeons, sur l’impact écologique de cette dissémination et sur l’éventuelle politique de résorption du Gouvernement de ce problème.

"Les grenailles de plomb ainsi disséminées doivent être regardées comme des déchets abandonnés. Les personnes à l’origine de l’abandon de déchets sont responsables de leur élimination dans les filières appropriées au titre de l’article L. 541-2 du code de l’environnement.
Le responsable de cette police administrative est le maire. Il appartient donc au maire d’exercer son pouvoir de police pour faire cesser les nuisances liées à la dissémination des grenailles de plomb sur sa commune.
Les propriétaires des terrains concernés peuvent également, au titre de l’article 1384 du code civil, être regardés comme responsables des dommages que ces déchets présents sur leur terrain pourraient occasionner, en tant que « gardien de la chose » en cas de dommage.
Dans le cas particulier d’un ball-trap, la responsabilité de l’organisateur du ball-trap, ainsi que celle du propriétaire qui l’a autorisé, paraissent difficilement écartables."

pouguy | Friday 08 December 2023

Mon père étant chasseur, en respectant la nature et les animaux, car il ne tue pas chaque fois qu'il voit un animal, il m'a dit que vendre des cartouches de chasse dans un tabac c'est de l'inconscience pure et dure, la France va devenir Chicago si ça se fait.

dany | Sunday 03 December 2023

Il ne manquait plus que ça ! Des cartouches dans les bureaux de tabac et pourquoi pas chez le boulanger ? Le lobby de la chasse gouverne cette France ! Il y en a marre !