Thursday 15 March 2018 | 125

P'tit Père escaped a drowning attempt after being trapped!

P'tit Père escaped a drowning attempt after being trapped!

Mis à jour le 29 January 2019

P'tit Père saw death in the face. A terrifying experience. His human could not even save him from this slow and painful death, which was premeditated, both are recovering from shock. We will represent them in court.

Hr blog

P'tit Père walked around careless and loved, in the garden of his family. He did not bother anyone.

But on March 12th, he was lured into a cage-trap, containing food. The neighbour immersed the cage inside a rubbish bin filled with water, without any state of mind for the delicate feline who fought for his life. He closed the garbage bin with a clamp, and to make sure that Little Father did not survive and to hide his misdeed, he then weighed down the lid with that of a planter.

Then the poor cat therefore deploys all his ingenuity and vital force to get out of the trap, even to hurt himself deeply on both sides of the skull. He managed to get his head out of the cage completely under water, and floated in the darkness of the closed rubbish bin for a few minutes, which quickly turned into hours ... It was a fight in anguish for hours and hours, not to fall back into the water, and not run out of oxygen, in the dark.

Monday, March 12th, the human companion of P'tit Père comes back from work and calls him. Without a response from him, and no sign of life, at the end of the day, he starts to look for him around their home, and finally recognizes his meowing, but somewhat smothered, weak, in the nearby yard.

P'tit Père, traumatized, escaped as soon as his human rescued him, immediately tried to flee this place where he almost died, and without success, prostrated himself - soaked and apathetic - in a corner of the court. Being in shock it took several hours for his human companion to succeed in reassuring the cat and being able to comfort him, to give him some care and finally to make a complaint for him.

We complain in our name and that of the SPA 44, for all acts of cruelty suffered by P'tit Père. We will represent him and his family in the lawsuit against the neighbour.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 125

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Sklerijenn | Sunday 18 March 2018

Je ressens un désespoir profond à la prise de connaissance de tous ces actes de cruauté inhumains qui se répètent à l'infini. Nous constatons bien que c'est le retour à la barbarie qui nous envahit. Alors, le sachant, il convient aux maîtres d'animaux domestiques vulnérables (chats, chiens en particulier), dans toute la mesure du possible, D'ETRE PARTICULIEREMENT VIGILANTS sur leur sécurité. Les surveiller, les appeler régulièrement, ne pas les laisser trop s'éloigner, et dès qu'ils changent leurs habitudes et restent trop longtemps absents, les rechercher. Quant à la justice, elle est inopérante sur ce genre d'individus. Tout au plus, peut-elle tenter de frapper au porte-monnaie et lui coller une grosse amende, mais le type risque de se venger sur les "parents" de p'tit père, ou de tuer ce dernier dès qu'il en aura l'occasion. Ces gens sont des malades et devenus adultes, c'est mission quasi impossible de leur faire prendre la mesure de leurs actes.

Manu | Saturday 17 March 2018

Peine maximum pour ce monstre

Marinette | Saturday 17 March 2018

Je suis outrée et en colère contre certains humains qui sans état d'âme piègent un pauvre animal inoffensif et domestique dans une cruauté sans nom. J'espère que cette personne, si on peut l'appeler ainsi, sera jugée sévèrement à la hauteur de son acte de cruauté. Il ne faut pas oublier que les gens qui maltraitent les animaux seront plus tard de futurs assassins contre les humains ou pire les enfants. Heureusement que ce petit a pu sortir sa tête hors de l'eau et miauler en entendant son maître l'appeler ce qui l'a sauvé. Pauvre p'tit Père qui a lutté des heures pour sa survie. J'espère qu'il se remettra de ce traumatisme. Douces caresses à ce petit coeur d'amour.

Marie | Saturday 17 March 2018

J'espère que ce voisin va être sévèrement puni pour son acte ignoble! C'est un préjudice physique et moral à la fois pour le chat et son propriétaire qui doit avoir beaucoup de peine qu'on ait traité ainsi son pauvre chat!
Si la justice ne fait rien, ce sera vraiment une honte!