Wednesday 01 September 2021 | 22

Poliakov trial: does France really protect wild animals?

Poliakov trial: does France really protect wild animals?

Mis à jour le 03 September 2021

The Poliakov trial took place on 12 May in Blois. The decision has just been made. The couple, who trained Micha, Bony and Glasha, Mina the Barbary macaque, rare birds, and ponies, were acquitted of all serious abuse and on all acts prior to 2019. Statute of limitations. Sacha Poliakov was bailed on a four-month suspended sentence. In other words, it’s now possible to mistreat in peace in France. And this is despite a bear being dead. We are appealing.

Hr blog

Does France really protect wild animals?

In light of the court decisions that are made in France in trial after trial in these types of cases, we have seen that the courts are more likely to sanction environmental offences. Is there an omerta (law of silence), or even a taboo, to allow wild animal keepers to mistreat? Because negligence is convicted when it comes to cats and dogs. We can see this happening in the case of Eliott the Lion at the Amar Circus, or in that of Jumbo, the hippopotamus who is kept by the circus that belongs to the violent Muller family. Each time that there is objective, conclusive evidence, the accused are ultimately only condemned for environmental infractions.

For the animals being kept by the Poliakovs, this absence of any sanction, which lived up to our expectations, happened despite the death of an animal which had maggots in its paws!

Ignorance of there being a culprit

The disregard for these animals – we have seen it already in inspections; officials don’t note down specific problems in the inspection reports – continues in the courtroom. This is extremely serious.

Animal protection laws which almost never apply

It is incomprehensible. It is as though the wild animals were willingly exploited, ours for the taking, and that therefore they did not suffer. As if we could do anything to them… and in fact, that’s what happens. The question can be asked: are these animals truly protected in our country? We are appealing the decision.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

One Voice
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 22

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

anne | Thursday 02 September 2021

La France protège-t-elle réellement les animaux?
Poser la question, c'est y répondre et c'est à vomir!

Veronique78 | Thursday 02 September 2021

Je vous remercie de faire appel suite à la condamnation dérisoire des Poliakoff, qui me révolte !
Je viens de signer la pétition de l'association AVES sur Mes Opinions. J'y ai mentionné le fait que cette décision de justice - ou plutôt parodie de justice - ne comporte aucune interdiction pour les Poliakoff de détenir aucun animal, et ce, à vie !
Cela me semble la moindre des choses, après que tous les animaux qu'ils détiennent encore leur soient retirés et transférés dans un refuge digne de ce nom. J'espère que votre appel aboutira à une sanction beaucoup plus sévère.

Marystella | Thursday 02 September 2021

Dans tous les domaines en France on avance d'un pas et on recule de 4...
Serions-nous plus attardés que les autres?

Pays des lumières éteintes

Béa | Thursday 02 September 2021

A la lecture des sanctions requises contre le couple Poliakov on pourrait en déduire que les circassiens et autres barbares d'animaux sauvages peuvent "dormir tranquilles"...Ils ne seront jamais inquiétés par cette "Justice" si clémente à leur égard !!! Continuez à torturer en toute impunité et inutile de soigner les animaux ...PUISQUE LE PRIX DE LA VIE DE "MICHA" a été évaluée à 150 euros !!!! QUELLE POURRITURE!!! JUSTICE DECADENTE A L'IMAGE DE LA FRANCE ET DE CE GOUVERNEMENT qui ne lève pas le petit doigt en matière de protection des animaux...Lanterne rouge des pays européens !!!