Wednesday 06 July 2022 | 15

Pleas and unpublished images from One Voice on pheasants and partridges being bred for hunting in La Peyratte

Pleas and unpublished images from One Voice on pheasants and partridges being bred for hunting in La Peyratte

Mis à jour le 02 September 2022

The pheasant and partridge breeding and hunting farm in La Peyratte has requested regularisation on its extension from the Deux-Sèvres Prefecture, which has agreed with them. One Voice has distributed very recent images from the farm and has filed a joint appeal with L214 against this decree on 15 June 2022 at the Poitiers Administrative Tribunal.

Hr blog

Whether it be to protect animals or the environment, there are many reasons to oppose this extension, which will allow the farm to continue to ruin the wetland on which it stands.

Bird droppings fall en masse into the water, thus spreading phosphorus, ammonia, and other various pollutants in a fragile ecosystem. However, any listed establishment such as this one should have had the impact of its expansion on the environment assessed before works. In this case, not content with not having carried out this preliminary study, the farm has not even requested the initial rights to expand and has asked for an even higher authorisation going forward! And this expansion is not insignificant: the capacity is going from 37,000 to 95,200 places.

Breeding birds for the pleasure of shooting them down

Like in many other farms for hunting that we have investigated in the past, the birds are raised in minuscule cages, their beaks are often broken and covered up to avoid injuries during altercations, which are inevitable in such confined spaces, thousands of females are condemned to breed for years and bear the scars, the eggs are retrieved and put into an incubator, then the birds are placed in aviaries where they fling themselves on the nets and cannot learn to fly correctly.

They are subsequently sold to hunting crews and federations who release them to give the impression of the species’ ‘good health’, all while disposing of totally submissive living targets who think that the hunters are approaching them to feed them and are incapable of escaping. Some birds, escaped from cages, incidentally remain in the surrounding area, destined for certain death...

And when they cannot be sold to hunters, as was the case after the lockdowns that led to the cancellation of hunting trips and when avian flu risked farmers losing a lot of money, the authorities authorised additional hunting periods. Simple...

An unpublished investigation to report on the reality experienced by pheasants and partridges in this breeding farm

In 2020, L214 published a study on birds bred for hunting which caused a commotion. In May and June 2022, One Voice’s investigators went back to the site. It was an opportunity to see if things were different now... nothing is, of course. We are all the more aware of the gigantic size of these places seen from above, and the miserable lives of the birds that are shut up in there. And in the cages, there is still overcrowding and chicken wire that injures their legs...

We have therefore decided to unite forces in a joint appeal to attack this decree authorising the expansion of the breeding farm. This was submitted on 15 June 2022 at the Poitiers Administrative Tribunal.

We are more determined than ever to bring an unwavering ethical force down on the industry and the hunting lobby and the farmers who are part of it.

Edit from 7 July 2022:
We had to modify the first version of this article, which erroneously claimed that L214 had taken images in the same breeding farm in 2020. In reality, it was a neighbouring farm; our images are therefore unpublished for this establishment.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 15

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Yvabra | Saturday 09 July 2022

Quelle honte de faire souffrir ces pauvres bêtes pour ensuite les tuer pour le plaisir ! Je serais toujours avec vous pour lutter contre la chasse et les chasseurs (qui prétextent toujours réguler le gibier alors que ces élevages sont destinés à leur procurer quelque chose à tuer ).
Félicitations à vous One Voice pour vos actions de défense des sans voix !!

Florence | Friday 08 July 2022

Les humains veulent remplacer les loups, lynx, renards, blaireaux. Mais les humains ne sont pas capables de remplacer la nature correctement, de plus les oiseaux d'élevage n'ont même pas de compétences demandées par la nature. Les chasseurs sont des nuisibles pollueurs qui gênent 80% de la population.

Chritounette | Tuesday 12 July 2022

Tout-à-Fait, Florence : depuis toujours, l'Etre Humain se croit supérieur à la Nature et surtout au Monde Animal, mais n'a malheureusement pas compris que la Nature n'avait nullement besoin de lui pour se réguler toute seule, les animaux le faisant très bien eux-mêmes et de manière innée.

Philomène | Friday 08 July 2022

Quelle bonne idée de vous être associé à L214. TOUTES les assos qui oeuvrent pour une meilleure qualité de vie sur la planète devraient s'associer au lieu de faire bande à part .Tous unis pour un même objectif .

Fabrice | Thursday 07 July 2022

Une raison supplémentaire pour abolir la chasse, ce loisir nuisible.