Tuesday 06 September 2022 | 7

Petting zoo at the European Fair in Strasbourg: open letter to Jeanne Barseghian

Petting zoo at the European Fair in Strasbourg: open letter to Jeanne Barseghian

Mis à jour le 25 November 2022

Open letter to Ms Jeanne Barseghian, Mayoress of Strasbourg, concerning the animals displayed at the petting farm at the European Fair in Strasbourg

Hr blog

Ms Jeanne Barseghian
Mayoress of Strasbourg
1 parc de l’Étoile
67076 Strasbourg

Vannes, 6 September 2022

Dear Mayoress,

Our association has been alerted to the implementation of a petting zoo displaying several domestic animals as part of the European Fair in Strasbourg from 2 to 11 September 2022.

In our capacity as an association with the main purpose to protect and defend animals and the environment, we are concerned by the treatment in store for them.

In fact, the images that we have been sent show several animals (rabbits, horses, sheep, chickens) exhibited to visitors in enclosures or cages. This set-up poses a problem not only concerning the welfare of the animals but also regarding the message that it conveys.

This environment is totally unsuitable for the animals’ welfare. Displayed to be seen and touched by everyone, the animals have no way of escaping from the noise and bustle. Moreover, the animals kept in cages, such as rabbits, can be constantly bothered by visitors. The hens are kept in a cramped cage without a perch or any environmental enrichment.

Furthermore, this ‘educational petting zoo’, aimed mainly at children, totally misses the point. What example does this give to young generations? The animals are considered as simple objects that we can touch and bother without worrying about their wishes and needs. This reification of animals conflicts, on numerous aspects, with the education of future generations to be more respectful of their environment and the individuals with which they share it.

This situation tarnishes the image of your local council, despite being committed to animals in other ways. If it is essential to introduce animals to young generations, this must be carried out in an ethical manner by respecting their needs and their individuality. For all of these reasons, we are asking you to renounce the exhibition of animals in such conditions in future by making more educational displays a priority.

We thank you for your attention to this letter and ask that you accept our highest consideration, Mayoress.

Muriel Arnal
Founding President of One Voice

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Hr blog

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Comments 7

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

anne | Thursday 21 September 2023

On se croirait dans un marché, le jour de la grande foire ! Aucune ferme n'a jamais ressemblé à cet étalage. Les fermes traditionnelles mettaient les bêtes en prairie ou au travail, logeaient généralement très mal les pauvres cochons. Donc, tout, tout, tout est faux.
Il me semble que beaucoup de personnes se figurent que les écolos se préoccupent des animaux: vaine illusion, c'est pas leur truc!

jyp | Wednesday 14 September 2022

Banalisation de la maltraitance.
Je m'attendais à (beaucoup) mieux de la part de cette édile...

martine | Tuesday 13 September 2022

c'est honteux de faire souffrir des animaux

pouguy | Tuesday 13 September 2022

Strasbourg a une maire écologique, on va voir comment elle va réagir, ce qui m'étonnerait, on le voit dans beaucoup de communes écologiques, elles se moquent complètement des animaux