Wednesday 22 February 2023 | 17

Persecution of captive wild animals sanctioned by the State Council

Persecution of captive wild animals sanctioned by the State Council

Mis à jour le 03 April 2023

For more than five years, we have been relentlessly fighting before the State Council to obtain the annulment of decrees successively implemented by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition regarding captive wild animals. Last Friday 17 February, we won a new victory with the partial cancellation of a decree that was encouraging trafficking and the elimination of wild animals.

Hr blog

For years, we have stated that the Ministry for the Ecological Transition strives to implement laws that absolutely do not protect wild animals from misfortune and exploitation.

First appeal won five years ago

In 2018, under the cover of wanting to simplify the regulations on captive wild animals, they passed a decree that allowed all kinds of abuse and unnecessary actions, by providing for an easier detention system for wild animals, particularly their young, and without taking into account scientific knowledge relevant to them. Clearly, accompanied by our partners, we fought against it before the State Council and we obtained a partial cancellation of it.

Three years later, the government is doing it again!

Far from following their 2020 decision, the Ministry passed a new decree in March 2021, this time indicating that animals born in breeding farms were not taken into account in the calculation of the numbers given that they were juvenile.

This blatant disregard for laws and legal decisions is particularly shocking. Once again, the law paved the way for keeping and trafficking young wild animals, such as tiger or lion cubs, and pushed breeders to get rid of the young before they reached adulthood. On the strength of these findings, we immediately filed an emergency interim suspension proceeding, alone this time, asking for the partial cancellation of this shameful decree.

After a relentless fight, the State Council cancelled article 3 of the 2021 decree last Friday. Therefore, new wild animal births should be taken into account in the calculation of the numbers which will avoid an increase in trafficking and the elimination of the young. This decision is a true relief and — let’s be optimistic — should put an end to the long years of fighting before the administrative courts.

However, we are winning the battle but not yet the war: a new ministerial decree must be passed in the coming weeks to apply new rules. We will take care of this scrupulously and will never hesitate to take legal action to ensure that animals’ voices are heard and respected!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Jeanne Laurin
Hr blog

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Comments 17

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct. | Thursday 23 February 2023

C'est grâce à votre dévouement que la faune sauvage est préservée. Je ne comprends pas qu'on puisse émettre des arrêtés de ce type. Heureusement que la plus haute juridiction le Conseil d'État a mis de l'ordre grâce à l'intervention de One Voice.
Bravo pour cette victoire

trochu | Thursday 23 February 2023

Ce gouvernement ne s'intéresse en rien aux animaux sauvages et autres animaux, la cause animale il ne connaît pas, et c'est choquant et plus que honteux qu'il ne s'engage pas entièrement et davantage en faveur des animaux et dans tous domaines, dont ici, la détention d'animaux sauvages par des particuliers. Un animal sauvage n'est pas "un objet ou une marchandise" mais un être vivant à part entière qui doit être protégé et défendu et qui doit vivre dans son milieu naturel et non pas auprès des humains ! Ces pauvres animaux arrachés aux leurs dès leurs plus jeunes âges, pour satisfaire les besoins immondes, ignobles et malsains d'individus, ne peuvent être heureux et épanouis car leurs vies ne doivent pas être auprès d'humains, mais auprès des leurs en toute liberté et dans leurs environnements naturels. Nous devons exiger une loi ferme et dissuasive, interdisant la captivité chez des particuliers de tous ces merveilleux animaux, et qu'ils soient retirés dans l'urgence des personnes qui les détiennent pour leur rendre leur liberté et condamner tous ceux qui les en privent. C | Thursday 23 February 2023

Ce gouvernement donne tous les droits aux trafiquants et tueurs d'animaux !!!

joelle | Thursday 23 February 2023

Le message est clair : la cause animale n'est pas la préoccupation première en France, ni seconde, ni.......