Monday 05 March 2018 | 57

Our companion’s dogs and cats tortured in laboratories!

Our companion’s dogs and cats tortured in laboratories!

Mis à jour le 03 July 2018

Animal experimentation kills dogs and cats for meaningless tests, denounces Dr. Ménache, consultant veterinarian for One Voice. Proof, aberrant experiments, on the verge of scientific fraud according to this expert.

Hr blog

Along with the outrageous practices of the auto industry, which gases primates with exhaust fumes, have just been revealed to endorse the safety of engines. Our dog and cat companions are also suffering the worst. Dr. Ménache, consultant veterinarian for One Voice analysed several experiments and explained how they make no sense at all.

Remember that the French and European regulations on animal testing encourage the reduction of the number of victims, as well as the pain inflicted on animals. But these figures are globally increasing, while the search for alternative methods without cruelty are stalling.

According to the last official statistics, at least 3,500 cats and dogs die each year in French laboratories. In principle, none of our companions, whose place is in loving homes, should be sacrificed for any scientific projects, whatever they might be. These points explained by Dr. Menache show that this practice is complete and utter nonsense...

Enough of these outrageous experiments!

"What does a dog's heart look like? ", was the subject of study published in 2017. Issued from the Mutualiste Institute Montsouris (Paris) and the breeding centre of the Souches (Mézilles), 15 beagles in good health were thus euthanized in order to describe a detail of the anatomy of this organ, yet already well known. Why in this case kill healthy animals and not use the hearts of animals that have already died?

Any research project using animals must, in particular, justify to an ethics committee the suffering to which they will be exposed. But Dr. Ménache notes that a study that does not provide any resuscitation (here because of the removal of vital organ) is virtually exempt from ethical review! Finally, for science, suppressing the life of an animal would be less important than exposing it to even slight suffering. Where is the ethics in all this?

By nature, intolerable, the torture of our companion’s cats and dogs in the laboratories must stop. At last, let's respect these sentient beings!

Hr blog

In the subject

Animal experimentation is still resisting change: 2022’s detailed figures The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring

Comments 57

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Maria Vitória | Saturday 10 March 2018

PAREM, por favor, com testes em animais.Todos já sabem a verdade, que esses experimentos não são necessários, existem outras formas e alternativas.EU BOICOTO todas as empresas e seus malditos produtos que são testados em animais.

Rivière | Friday 09 March 2018

Abraham LINCOLN:
"Je suis partisan des Droits des animaux comme des Droits des humains, telle est la manière de l'Etre humain entier"

Actuellement, l'humanité est encore dans les bains de sang en tous genres. Par conséquent, il est évident qu'elle est très immature. Elle ne sera vraiment accomplie que lorsque ses hommes auront cessé les guerres, meurtres et tortures envers tout ce qui respire, en particulier envers nos petits frères animaux et nos frères humains. Nous faisons partie intégrante des créatures de notre Mère-terre. Comme tel, torturer des animaux en laboratoire ou autre retombe directement sur l'homme en maladies physiques et/ou psychique.

Mika | Friday 09 March 2018

En France nous luttons constamment contre l'expérimentation animale dans les laboratoires.Idem pour le massacre des animaux pour leur fourrure. C'est le pot de fer contre le pot de terre à cause des enjeux financiers.

Jessica | Friday 09 March 2018

Honte à l’espece Humaine!!