Wednesday 24 January 2018 | 13

One Voice rescues abandoned cats

One Voice rescues abandoned cats

Mis à jour le 12 February 2019

On 11th and 12th January 2018 in Quimperlé, One Voice's Zoé Cell rescued 10 cats, left on their own, the home was abandoned, the house of their elderly owner, because of her long-term hospitalization.

Hr blog

The castrated and identified cat of the human owner, survived there for several weeks. Other cats had been abandoned at her home, probably by neighbours, which is punishable by law. Straying, and roaming of non-identified cats only leads to misery for these abandoned animals. In this unhealthy house, the little cats were locked in the midst of the corpses of their congeners in a state of decomposition. Excrement strewed on the ground and the furniture, the disorder and the pestilential odour adding to the rest of the filth.

The eight cats rescued on the first day were very stressed after weeks spent in such conditions. Our team immediately had them examined by a veterinarian attentive and respectful of their distress. All were the object of care. Some were dehydrated and had ulcers. One of them suffered terribly, having several cancerous tumours and unfortunately had to be euthanized.

This operation was made possible thanks to the listening of the Town hall of Quimperlé, enchanted by our intervention, with the help of "Cats without you", "Cie Pays de Quimperlé", and of the SPA of Vannes where the cats now wait to be adopted.

In France, more than 10 million homeless cats suffer and die on our doorstep. One Voice is engaged in this fight for them, for their dignity.

Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 13

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Tiphaine | Wednesday 24 January 2018

L'état du logement de cette personne âgée absente... Mais bon, quand on lit que "D'autres chats avaient été abandonnés chez elle, probablement par des voisins", on se dit qu'il n'y a pas que le logement qui est délabré, la conscience morale de certains l'est beaucoup également !