Tuesday 28 August 2018 | 36

One Voice requests the urgent confiscation of 4 lionesses and a lion!

One Voice requests the urgent confiscation of 4 lionesses and a lion!

Mis à jour le 25 September 2018

For several months, we have been following closely these 3 lionesses, improperly detained by an Italian circus, in order to obtain their confiscation. But today there is an emergency, and for the other 2 lions as well! They are left on hot tarmac, without water, without shade, despite the heat. We must act quickly!

Hr blog

They are called Baby, Bellone and Caroline. They are at least 8 years old. They do not have papers. One of them may have been sold to the circus by a French zoo. There is a lot of uncertainty regarding the information that concerns them. His name is Nelson, he is 2 and a half years old. He is a white lion, of those that are bred for the captivity industry. Mandela is a lioness of the same age, white as well.

Baby, Bellone and Caroline have been exploited by this circus for years. Nelson and Mandela joined them at the end of March this year. They had arrivee from South Africa and the circus hopes to get them to breed, according to what it has told the press...

For several months, we have been following this circus which improperly holds the three lionesses, and which, we feared, it wants to get rid of, given their age, as well as three pythons and a zebra. Today, a line has been crossed. Beyond the problems of the confinement of these wild animals and their training, this circus not only sits outside the law, but what it also inflicts on these poor lionesses and lion is intolerable!

While they should be able to frolic outside of their truck, their "relaxation" space has been placed directly on hot tarmac. No fresh water or even a shady corner most of the day, despite the hot weather!

One Voice has filed a complaint in respect of the abuse endured by these 5 lions and requests their confiscation. We have made sure that there is a place waiting for them in a sanctuary in South Africa, with our partners Born Free.

The association also wrote to the mayor of Réthel where the circus is currently located to ask him to issue a decree to ban animal shows on his territory.

To help us save them from the circus, please sign and broadcast our petition!

Edit: Following complaints from the public, lions are now entitled to ... a thin layer of sawdust ...

Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 36

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Joëlle | Wednesday 29 August 2018

Faut arrêter toute cette souffrance sur les animaux innocents

Michelle setbon | Wednesday 29 August 2018

Faut tout mettre en oeuvre pour sauver ces Lions et Lionnes des griffes de ces sauvages de dompteurs plus personne ne veut d animaux dans les cirques STOP

sossovegee | Tuesday 28 August 2018

pauvres betes... on se battra pour eux, et pour tous les autres detenus des cirques!

blandine | Tuesday 28 August 2018

Les pauvres... C'est honteux et inhumain ! j'espere que vous reussirez à les saisir rapidement .