Monday 30 May 2016 | 18

One step nearer circuses without animals!

One step nearer circuses without animals!

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

Banned in more than 30 towns, the end of the exploitation of animals in circuses seems more inevitable than ever before.

Hr blog

From its very beginning, One Voice has helped municipalities confronted with the illegal occupation of circuses, providing authorities with training when having to enforce that regulations, often ignored, are respected concerning the detention of wild animals. ( See our fight's background here)

Circuses with animals are not only places of much suffering for the animals detained, but they also present a threat to the security of the public and residents. Accidents, sometimes fatal, are constant reminders of this.

In 16 years of campaigning, their number has dropped dramatically from 200 to less than half of this… One Voice praises the towns who have clearly expressed their refusal to see these organisations there, organisations who consider subservience to be entertainment! If circuses contest their refusal, One Voice will provide all legal aid necessary to townships in order to assert their rights… For fifteen years now, One Voice has been offering aid to circus performers to retrain as real circus artists. The human performances are magical and amazing expressions of liberty... The ethical circus of tomorrow is for today!

Discover the map of municipalities that have already adopted this position, updated regularly.

Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 18

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Tatoo | Monday 30 May 2016

Moi je suis pour que les animaux restent dans leur milieu naturel pas dans un cirque nI dans des zoos. Jeanne Bertrand

24rosine | Monday 30 May 2016

Bonjour à tous, je suis contre tous ces êtres humains qui font du.mal aux animaux, ils faut que tout ça cesse, il y'en a marre de tous ces cirques qui font du mal aux animaux, nous sommes tous révoltés, nous sommes tous révoltés de toute la souffrance de tous les animaux dans le monde, qu'ils soient sauvages ou domestiques. Si il faut qu'une bombe atomiques explose la terre je première à dire oui, comme ça il n'y aura plus de souffrance.
Je termine en remerciant tous ces humains, ONE VOICE ainsi que toutes ces associations ; un grand merci et que le combat continue pour sauver tous ces animaux.