Friday 01 December 2023 | 10

New wolf captivity areas? It’s a no!

New wolf captivity areas? It’s a no!

Mis à jour le 15 April 2024

What a funny idea to always want to confine wild animals! Although we support the creation of sanctuaries where the residents welcomed live peacefully in large spaces away from the public, we fiercely oppose the exploitation of animals by commercial establishments. Whether it be in Cerdon (45) or Chaux-Neuve (25), we are therefore going against two new projects of this kind. These majestic and intelligent animals should be associated with a life of freedom and peace in the wild and certainly not with commercial enterprises. And yet...

Hr blog

Here, 0020where they are naturally present, it is more about survival for the wolves given that ever-increasing lethal shots are agreed with farmers by the State and the direction that the future “national action plan on the species” is going in. When it comes to captive individuals, we wonder what the point of creating new fenced parks is when there are already almost a thousand of them locked up in France for the sole purpose of human hobbies.

Permanent exhibition and business seminars: the business surrounding wolves

Two public enquiries are under way, in particular with a view to authorising the captivity of Arctic wolves. The purpose of these projects raises particular questions.

In Cerdon, in the Loiret department, 6 wolves were kept captive in an enclosure the size of a small football pitch. Their observation will be used in coaching sessions. Because yes, their presence will provide support for business training courses and seminars organised for profit. They are far from living a life of freedom... Especially given that, if the project is successful, wolves will not even be able to escape being watched by clients. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that the town has shown that they are not in favour of this and that the prefecture has refused for the first time for such exploitation to be able to open its doors…

In the Doubs department, the project is more ‘traditional’ but just as intolerable as it involves exhibiting animals who are trapped in a restricted space. In any case, either way, this is an intolerable commercialisation of living sentient beings with no aim to save them and which cannot even claim to hide behind the usual - and questionable - argument of conservation.

Free wolves to be urgently protected

Those who say they are passionate about wolves to the point of wanting to keep them captive would do better to commit to protecting free individuals who are not given a break by the government. On this subject, let’s remember that the ministry is trying to facilitate lethal shootings and that the plan being implemented is lacking so much protection that it almost seems like a terrible joke.

Take part in the consultations by the Ministry of the Ecological Transition and Ministry for Territorial Cohesion before 7 December and sign our petition so that wolves can finally live in peace.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Cléa Capelli & Elise Loutry
Hr blog

In the subject

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them Let’s rally for the wolves: we are participating in great numbers in the ministry’s public consultations!

Comments 10

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Shogun 74 | Tuesday 19 December 2023

Liberté dans la nature pour les loups, arrêtons ces décisions stupides d'enclos, mais nos dirigeants deviennent d'une stupidité, ces animaux ont le droit de ne pas vivre en captivité. Liberté Liberté chérie pour ces animaux indispensables à l'écosystème !...

trochu | Wednesday 06 December 2023

Ahurissant et révoltant, car lorsqu'ils ne sont pas traqués et tués car soi-disant "nuisibles", ces mêmes personnages ont comme projet "de les parquer" pour mieux les exhiber au public et donc se faire beaucoup d'argent sur leurs dos, ce n'est qu'inacceptable bien évidemment et à se demander quand est ce que toutes ces exploitations d'êtres vivants dont les loups s'arrêteront ? Je vous soutiens profondément, les loups doivent vivre en paix et en toute liberté dans la nature ou des sanctuaires dans lesquels ils seront protégés et non pas utilisés comme des "objets ou divertissement quel qu'il soit". Les mentalités de tous ces organismes et autorités doivent changer d'autant plus qu'en 2023 il serait temps qu'elles évoluent en faveur des animaux et non plus contre eux, car la France ne fait que marche arrière en ce qui concerne les animaux et ce n'est que pathétique et pitoyable.
Le civisme et la grandeur d'une nation se mesure de la façon dont elle traite ses animaux... GANDHI

Francis Thion | Tuesday 05 December 2023

Comment peut-on autoriser la création d’un parc à loups en pleine Sologne !
Animal grégaire par excellence le parc est sûr d’attirer des congénères errants (il y en a déjà en Seine-et-Marne). N’oublions pas que le dernier loup a été tué en 1903 à la limite des communes de Isdes et Villemurlin
Que dire des vocalises les nuits de pleine lune !

Alexandre | Monday 04 December 2023

C'est assez hallucinant. Quelle est la prochaine étape? Montrer les loups attachés dans des animations de foire?

Pourquoi toujours cette impression de revenir 50 ans en arrière en terme de droits des animaux...