Thursday 17 December 2020 | 26

Monkeys on cargo carrier to arrive in USA today

Monkeys on cargo carrier to arrive in USA today

Mis à jour le 17 December 2020

Let's call AirBridgeCargo again! With our partner Action for Primates we alert on the imminent arrival of a cargo shipment of monkeys in the USA from Russia and before that from Cambodia, for animal experiments. This has to stop!

Hr blog

An AirBridgeCargo aeroplane containing a shipment of monkeys is currently on its way from Moscow to Chicago in the USA. Our source in Moscow has alerted Action for Primates and One Voice to the shipment that is due to arrive at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) today at 07:30 CST, (13:30 GMT and 14:30 CET) on flight ABW301/RU301.

The monkeys (long-tailed macaques) were flown from Cambodia to Moscow (ABW348/RU348) arriving late last night. Shipped as cargo in small transit crates, they will have endured two international flights with a lengthy delayed stop-over at Sheremetyevo Alexander S. Pushkin International Airport (SVO) in Moscow. The total journey, which is over 15,000 kilometres, will take over 25 hours to complete, including transit time, as these intelligent and sentient animals are flown across the world to be used in experiments in US laboratories.

Even if you have done so before, please take action by sending polite E-mail to AirBridgeCargo, urging it to stop transporting non-human primates and join the many other airlines that refuse to play a role in this cruel trade.

E-mail addresses for AirBridgeCargo offices around the world can be found here:
AirBridgeCargo Moscow Head Office:

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Comments 26

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Lo | Thursday 17 December 2020

Stop !

Aléa | Thursday 17 December 2020

Ayez pitié d'eux, ne les transportez plus vers l'horreur!

toto50du30 | Thursday 17 December 2020

Emails fait (français-anglais).
Merci One Voice de nous donner toutes ces infos.

Jocelyne | Thursday 17 December 2020

Vous transportez des singes qui vont servir de cobayes dans des laboratoires non respectueux du bien-être animal. Ils vont être torturés durant des jours et vont mourir dans atroces souffrances. Vous pouvez mettre fin à leurs calvaire en refusant de les transporter. Je vous en prie croisez juste une fois leur regard et vous comprendrez.