Wednesday 27 April 2022 | 15

Mina dead at the start of 2022 and Kamala taken abroad. But what are the authorities doing?!

Mina dead at the start of 2022 and Kamala taken abroad. But what are the authorities doing?!

Mis à jour le 12 July 2022

Elephants exploited in French circuses for decades, complaints about not knowing what to do with them, an eventual law that just generates cynicism, and to what outcome? These great females are put into the worst places under stress and the others die in lorries without ever having lived a peaceful life... Rumours have been circulating about Mina and Kamala, the elephants kept by the Medrano Circus. We are requesting factual information and accounts from those in charge.

Hr blog

Social networks have related alarming information on one of the two elephants being kept by the Medrano Circus settled in Aimargues and whose opening order we have tried to have cancelled : Mina, who was presented to us as being in good health by both the establishment keeping her and by the DDPP services (Prefecture) within the framework of the proceedings taking place before the Rennes Administrative Tribunal, was in fact dead and had been for several months! And Kamala had re-joined the Skanda Vale Centre in the United Kingdom that welcomed Lechmee. A Centre which we had warned the Ministry of Ecology about since 2018 so that they did not let Maya be sent there because it is in no way an acceptable place for elephant welfare. All of this while Elephant Haven, in France, is an available, adequate, and welcoming sanctuary!

« This is a massacre for circus elephants and, at the moment, the Ministry is getting away with it unscathed and silently. It is scandalous. »
Muriel Arnal

A law giving the illusion of action

The law on the mistreatment of animals passed in November 2021 is a huge farce for the animals being kept in circuses, especially for the elephants who are dying one after another or are being sent abroad. Because only travelling circuses are targeted, leaving those who want to settle down and to thus continue to exploit the animals at their leisure, as is the case with the Medrano circus. But this law has also still allowed the breeding of big cats for years... in addition to the fact that no application decree has yet been issued.

The authorities must show their accounts!

We are asking for the accounts and factual findings from the Côtes-d’Armor Prefecture.

« It is surprising to say the least that your services can continue to uphold before a court that the animals are in perfect health and kept in excellent conditions even when they are dead or have been given away. This at the very least reflects a dysfunction in your control tasks. »
Extract from One Voice’s letter to the Côtes-d’Armor Prefecture (DDPP)

The Association is particularly worried about Mina’s fate, who is now deceased. We would like to understand the circumstances of her death and have access to all of the related documents, especially the veterinary autopsy report carried out and the rendering certificate. With regard to Kamala, the Association is asking for the CITES or CIC document and the handover date.

We have also written to the Rennes Tribunal, because if it turns out that Mina is indeed dead and Kamala has been given away in England, our complaint could be considered as ‘unfounded’ and therefore do absolutely nothing (as happened for the Barbary Macaque kept by the Poliakovs)... Because instead of ruling on problems at the time of the complaint, justice abandons legal proceedings as soon as the animals die from the consequences of the mistreatment they have received... and those who inflicted it on them get away with it. Incidentally, the Medrano Circus boasts, after so many years of cracking the whip and wielding an ankus, about now putting on a show without animals.

Finally, and as always (equally for Lechmee), the exploiters felt that the tide was turning and divested themselves of the elephants to avoid a withdrawal being imposed by the law after more than five years of One Voice’s legal proceedings.

Our incessant campaigns — proceedings, making the public aware, and pressure on the authorities with our investigation footage in particular — got the better of the resistance from the civil service, but too late for Mina who is most likely dead... We are doing all we can so that those responsible will pay.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 15

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Yvabra | Monday 02 May 2022

Trop de laxisme de la part de l'administration ! Merci à ONE VOICE d'essayer de faire bouger les choses et de faire payer les responsables de ces actes de maltraitance !

sylvia | Sunday 01 May 2022

Bravo et grand merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour les animaux !
Malheureusement, les "autorités" s'arrangent toujours pour ne rien dire, comme par hasard !

marie-claude | Sunday 01 May 2022

Arrêtons une bonne fois pour toute l'exploitation d'animaux sauvages dans les cirques. J'espère que les nouveaux ministres de l'écologie seront capables de faire valoir l'arrêt total des animaux dans les cirques !

Christine | Saturday 30 April 2022

Lamentable, des dysfonctionnements innommables. Cela pose grandement question. Les droits des animaux, les obligations des hommes, des arrêtés, des articles de lois, rien n'y fait. Le gouvernement, les Préfectures sont inertes et faillissent à leur fonction. Ne peut-on les trainer devant les tribunaux ! Européens ?
Quand la plupart des citoyens sont révoltés, ou le seraient s'ils savaient...