Thursday 28 July 2022 | 21

Milly-la-Forêt puppy show: open letter to Eric Jalon, Essonne’s Prefect

Milly-la-Forêt puppy show: open letter to Eric Jalon, Essonne’s Prefect

Mis à jour le 30 September 2022

We have received images from a puppy show that was held in Milly-la-Forêt (91) on the weekend of 23 and 24 July 2022. Knowing that this weekend was one of the hottest of the year, we wrote to the Essonne Prefecture to draw their attention to their responsibility regarding these animals subjected to stress and intense heat.

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Mr Éric Jalon
Essonne Prefect
Administrative Centre
Boulevard de France
91010 Evry Courconnes cedex

Vannes, 27 July 2022

Dear Prefect,

Our association has been alerted about the puppy show held in Milly-la-Forêt on 23 and 24 July 2022. Two hundred and fifty breeding puppies were presented to the public and put up for sale during this event.

In our capacity as an association whose main purpose is to protect and defend animals and the environment, we hope that this letter brings your attention to several points pertaining to the welfare of the animals exhibited.

The images that we were sent show the animals being exhibited outside while the temperature came close to forty degrees. Despite there being marquees, some enclosures were predominantly in the sun. The animals seemed to be suffering from the heat (panting, lethargy) and moreover were being subjected to the stress of visitors passing by and noise. A bitch and her puppy were enclosed together in a small cage where she has no room to lie down.

Furthermore, during these events, despite being authorised by legislation in force, the animals are considered simply as merchandise, completely reified to the detriment of the respect for their individuality and their needs.

Currently, shelters and associations who care for abandoned animals, strays or those mistreated, are overwhelmed with requests and can no longer cope with the many calls for help. The organisation of the puppy show, and what is more in such conditions, appears to totally contradict with the responsibility of the owners to host a complex and sentient being.

The veterinary services for your Prefecture are appointed during such events in order to monitor compliance with the regulations in place, particularly regarding the presentation conditions and the welfare of the animals. We are surprised that the organisation of the puppy show in such circumstances has not generated any opposition on your part.

We thank you for your attention to this letter and ask that you accept our highest consideration, dear Prefect.

Muriel Arnal
Founding President of One Voice

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

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In the subject

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Comments 21

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

fab145 | Saturday 30 July 2022

Comme toujours, on peut admirer ici toute la gentillesse, la bonté dont est capable cet animal, ce mammifère que l'on appelle Humain!!!
Rien d'humain avec ce spectacle !!
Cette seule espèce est capable de cruauté, de barbarie, de telles monstruosités.!!
Ecoeurant, repoussant, moyenageux. Inhumain!!!
A vomir!!
Quand allons nous nous réveiller ? Serions nous a ce point lobytomisés ?

Gisèle | Friday 29 July 2022

Comment peut-on encore autoriser ces salons qui engendrent des achats "coup de coeur" pour ces adorables chiots si "mignons", dont beaucoup finiront par être abandonnés par des maîtres inconscients des contraintes, coût, etc ... liés à la possession d'animaux. "Produire" toujours et encore des animaux devrait être interdit tant que les refuges saturés sont obligés d'euthanasier chiens et chats par manque de place, sans parler de tous les abandons sur la voie publique, "disparitions", etc ...

ROSELINE | Friday 29 July 2022

Il faut interdire ces salons qui sont contre la protection des animaux et qui vont à l'encontre des nouvelles lois du gouvernement contre la maltraitance animale et l'abandon des animaux.

Marie | Friday 29 July 2022

Si vous voulez adopter un animal RV à la SPA et non pas dans ces salons du chiot qui ne sont là que pour ce faire du fric!!! Quelle honte d'exposer ces chiens et chats en pleine chaleur !!! Où est le bien-être animal ??? J'appelle ça de la maltraitance !!!