Wednesday 28 April 2021 | 14

Two court appearances in Périgueux for the gundog breeder

Two court appearances in Périgueux for the gundog breeder

Mis à jour le 07 July 2021

We will be in Périgueux on 28 and 30 April for the hearings, at which Mandral, the hunter and breeder of gundogs, will be made to face up to some of his actions. We filed criminal complaints against him for his refusal to comply with instructions from the authorities. At the first hearing, he is accused of not having reduced the number of his dogs below the authorised limit of 50 (operation of a notifiable classified facility for the protection of the environment not in compliance with a formal notice). The second concerns his failure to stop the dogs breeding. Our complaint on acts of cruelty and mistreatment committed by an operator is still in progress.

Hr blog

Since early 2019, we have repeatedly complained about this breeder who mistreats and, we hold, is guilty of cruelty to his dogs. We have supporting images from our investigations. When we rescued 16 dogs in February 2020, it was very obvious. Some of bitches were cowed by fear and suffering from serious untreated health problems. The puppies were infested with worms and fleas.

Richard Mandral will therefore appear in Périgueux twice this week: on 28 April at 13.30 at the criminal court (tribunal correctionnel) and two days later at 09.00 at the police court (tribunal de police).

This breeder was already in the news in the 1980s for trafficking dogs to laboratories. He now risks a year in prison and a €15,000 fine for the offence of failure to comply with a formal notice to satisfy a regulatory requirement in relation to his business as a breeder; and a fine for the second, summary, offence of intentionally continuing to breed dogs, although he was well aware of the limit on the number authorised. The dogs were kept in unacceptable conditions. We paid veterinary fees of over €13,000 in 2020 for the 16 dogs we rescued. We are asking for €1000 in damages.

Richard Mandral has been summoned by the public prosecutor to appear before the court for operation of a notifiable classified facility for the protection of the environment (ICPE) not in compliance with a formal notice. As we filed the complaints, we have joined the proceedings as a civil party.

Richard Mandral kept his dogs tied up in bare kennels, in yards where the water freezes in winter and evaporates in summer. He neglected them and left them to die, to the point where they were eating each other. Not content with this, he enclosed females and males together in cages and vans, for mass-breeding, when he already had over a hundred dogs! It was our complaint, accompanied by the images we published, which enabled the prefecture to issue a formal notice to comply with the regulations on breeding facilities, followed by a referral to the public prosecution service for criminal proceedings against the breeder, who refused to comply.

For One Voice, this is not just about failure to comply with ICPE standards. It is above all about the ill-treatment suffered by the dogs.

Our January 2020 complaint on abandonment, acts of cruelty and ill-treatment committed by a breeder is still in progress. No hearing has yet been fixed.

Translated from the French by Jo Durning

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 14

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Country | Tuesday 04 May 2021

Comment concevoir que ce maltraitant sévit impunément depuis 1980 sans que rien ne bouge côté police, DDPP, mairie, préfecture, procureur... Soupçonner une complicité haut placée est permis dans ces circonstances. Révoltant et désespérant pour ces malheureux chiens exploités dans des conditions ignobles et des lois votées pour la protection animale délibérément oubliées au fond des tiroirs par des tribunaux laxistes limite complaisants. Écoeurant.

Mic | Sunday 02 May 2021

Que les chiens vivent dans de telles conditions et sans soins nest pas acceptable !!

Simchou | Saturday 01 May 2021

Cet homme sévit depuis les années 1980 ?!!! On peut se demander qui est derrière, par qui est-il protégé? Et pendant toutes ces années, des centaines de chiens souffrent et mènent des vies misérables. Merci à One Voice de ne rien lâcher!

Béa | Friday 30 April 2021

Ce n'est pas un an de prison ferme mais 10, 30000 euros d'amande ainsi que l'interdiction de chasser et de posséder à vie un animal.