Friday 21 December 2018 | 32

Make ponies jump with a monkey on their backs

Make ponies jump with a monkey on their backs

Mis à jour le 14 January 2019

In this circus, it is not only Jumbo who suffers ... There is also a monkey and ponies that are exploited and exhibited all year long. Their place is not there, let's continue to fight to have circuses without animals!

Hr blog

What are these poor animals doing in this place? What do these words mean, cage, truck and dressage? while the public who have followed our actions for twenty years, claim every day a stronger feeling towards an end to circuses with animals. Indeed, it's been 20 years since we launched the campaign for circuses without animals, a birthday which would have been nice to celebrate.

A circus tent with animals, it's all but a smoke screen. Only the circus people still believe in this hoax, or cynically seek to sell it to us. Sequins that sparkle, these are the psychological wounds that animals have engraved in their memories. They are reminded every day. To these memories are added the means of coercion - including physical means- used to break them from the inside.

What is festive about this show? Let's ponder for a moment on how this monkey lives: trained not to move on the back of the pony while the latter runs, he knows that if he loses his grip he will fall - this must have already happened - and that he will then have to undergo again the training "to teach him" how to hold on better. Thus, even if he is afraid of noise, even if the crowd in the stands frightens him, he still must obey. As for the ponies, if they do not jump or run side by side, the whip will remind them what the trainer expects of them...

And here, we see only the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the time, the vast majority of the time, they see the world only through bars, in a totally urbanized universe, a world of permanent stress. And for animals, stress rhymes with risk to their health.

Fear burns them from within, their vitality is confiscated. They deserve something else from life. Animals must no longer be exploited and exhibited year-round until death ensues.

Let's continue to fight for animal-free circuses! Please sign our petition to break their bars!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 32

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

trochu | Monday 25 November 2019

Le comble ! Comment peut-on cautionner et tolérer, encourager de telles humiliations, de telles bassesses, de telles ridiculisations à l'encontre D’ÊTRES VIVANTS INTELLIGENTS ET SENSIBLES ?
Honte à nos gouvernements qui n'agissent en rien pour la défense et protection des animaux et en n'interdisant pas définitivement la présence des animaux sauvages et autres animaux dans les cirques !

koutchou | Friday 15 February 2019

des cirques sans animaux, et si le gouvernement a du mal à avoir de l'empathie pour les animaux, il peut au moins essayer de se donner bonne conscience : tous les numéros avec animaux remplacés par des exhibitions de clowns, jongleurs, équilibristes ou autres....
du travail pour des intermittents du spectacle
libérer des animaux et permettre à des humains au chômage d'avoir du boulot, mesdames et messieurs les grands dirigeants, prenez quelques instants de vrai réflexion

Dalca | Friday 04 January 2019

O ser humano só pensa em ganhar dinheiro, boicotem esses tipos de crueldade.

riot for animals | Tuesday 01 January 2019

Mes sœurs et frères dans les prisons appelées cirques sont des martyrs. pitié primates humains.