Monday 04 July 2022 | 11

‘Macellum’ farmers’ market: open letter to the town of Metz

‘Macellum’ farmers’ market: open letter to the town of Metz

Mis à jour le 02 September 2022

Alerted to the holding of a ‘Macellum’ farmers’ market on 25 and 26 June 2022 in the Metz esplanade gardens, we sent this letter to the Mayor of the town, François Grosdidier.

Hr blog

Dear Mayor,

Our Association has been alerted to the holding of a ‘Macellum’ farmers’ market on 25 and 26 June 2022 in the Metz esplanade gardens.

In our capacity as an association whose main purpose is to protect and defend animals and the environment, we are asking with this letter if you would be willing to look into our arguments carefully.

Several domestic animals (rabbits, pigeons, cows, donkeys, hens) have been displayed to visitors in enclosures or cages. This set-up poses a problem not only concerning the welfare of the animals but also regarding the message that it conveys.

This environment is totally unsuitable for the animals’ welfare. Displayed to be seen and touched by everyone, the animals have no way of escaping from the noise and bustle. Moreover, the animals kept in cages, such as rabbits, can be constantly bothered by visitors. The hens are kept in individual cages without a perch or any environmental enrichment.

Furthermore, this display, mainly aimed towards children, is the opposite of educational. What example does this give to young generations? The animals are considered as simple objects that we can touch and bother without worrying about their wishes and needs. This reification of animals conflicts, on numerous aspects, with the education of future generations to be more respectful of their environment and the individuals with which they share it.

Such a situation certainly tarnishes the image of Metz, which also has an undeniable cultural significance. The celebration of traditions and local products must not happen to the detriment of respect for animals. For all of these reasons, we are asking you to renounce the exhibition of animals in such conditions in future by making more educational displays a priority.

We thank you for your attention to this letter and ask that you accept our highest consideration, Mr Mayor.

Muriel Arnal
Founding President of One Voice

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Hr blog

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Comments 11

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Franny | Saturday 16 July 2022

Voilà pourquoi je ne vais plus au marché. Même si certains marchés hebdomadaires n'ont rien à voir avec celui ci - où exposition systématique d'animaux vivants - il n'empêche que le spectacle de poules, pigeons entassés les uns sur les autres, m'indispose et me révolte.
A quand une prise de conscience générale et à tous les niveaux des populations vis-à-vis de nos semblables ?

Nanou | Friday 08 July 2022

Tous les animaux sont des êtres vivants et doivent être respectés en tant que tels !
Les exposer comme des objets est scandaleux et inhumain !!

Yvabra | Friday 08 July 2022

100% d'accord !Respectons ces pauvres bêtes et faisons preuve d'un peu d'humanité !!

pouguy | Thursday 07 July 2022

Ce genre de chose est inadmissible et irrespectueux envers les animaux qui sont des êtres vivants comme nous