Tuesday 20 February 2018 | 116

Kenzo was killed with blows from a club!

Kenzo was killed with blows from a club!

Mis à jour le 12 February 2019

An ordeal of unrecognisable violence. Kenzo, a little cat who loved to walk in his garden, lost his life in late January under the blows from the neighbour’s son-in-law.

Hr blog

Kenzo shared for eleven years a life with a discreet couple, this tiny cat barley just two kilos.

On Monday morning, Kenzo's owner hears a noise coming from the hedgerow adjoining the two properties, ranting accompanied by the barking of the neighbour’s dog. The owner leaves his house and approaches the hedge. He sees his neighbour hitting the hedge with sticks. Asking the neighbour what was happening, he gets a vague answer from him even though he seems to be moving away.

A few minutes later, with a bad feeling, Kenzo's family returns to the hedge, the neighbour is back, continually hitting something. In reply to their questions, he answers that it is a rabbit that he is hitting. It is then that they see this individual dispose of Kenzo onto a pile of wood while holding it by the tail.

When eventually arriving at the vets nothing could be done to save Kenzo, whose head had almost exploded under the blows. The next day, the murder weapon will disappear up in smoke, burned along with the rest of the pile of wood ...

The neighbour was relentless when he was hitting Kenzo with his club and of this under the barking of his dog, the same barking that usually drove him away. But yesterday, he could not escape the cruelty of this man. A few minutes of stalking and brutality that probably must have seemed like hours ...

Our lawyer immediately filed a complaint for acts of cruelty on behalf of One Voice, SPA Loire Atlantique, and the family of Kenzo that we provide our support. For Kenzo, justice will pass.

Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 116

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Marie | Monday 26 February 2018

Comment peut on être aussi cruel. Ce type de comportement anormal doit être puni.

katzann75 | Monday 26 February 2018

C'est horrible ...
Il faut impérativement que tous les bourreaux d'animaux soient punis comme ils le méritent.
Toutes mes pensées compatissantes à la famille de Kenzo, avec le vif espoir qu'une vraie justice sera rendue pour ce pauvre petit chat innocent.

Neva | Sunday 25 February 2018

en mémoire à Kenzo martyre de ce sadique cruel. faites que ce bourreau soit plus que sévèrement puni de son acte odieux.

shogun | Sunday 25 February 2018

Comment est il possible de commettre une telle horreur ?.. De tout coeur avec les propriétaires du petit "Kenzo" j'espère que l'auteur de cette monstruosité va être jugé sans indulgence, son nom sur les réseaux sociaux le calmerait. Je vais aider one voice, pour la plainte