Friday 16 November 2018 | 21

In Yulin, veterinarians discover that dogs are not just objects

In Yulin, veterinarians discover that dogs are not just objects

Mis à jour le 30 November 2018

In China, the idea that an animal is a sentient being is barely emerging! Notably in Yulin, where every year there is a huge killing of dogs. Thanks to the fabulous work of our partner association ACTAsia, veterinarians in the region now realize that canines feel pain and fear.

Hr blog

One could believe in a satirical "scoop": in 2018, Chinese veterinarians learn that dogs feel fear and pain! And yet, this is a reality. In some remote areas of the far East, professionals in charge of animal health did not know this, until recently that they were treating sentient beings!

This is the sad truth for the local association ACTAsia, of which we are partners in the Fur Free Alliance and we have also been supporting them for the last 10 years, in particular financing the education and teaching of “empathy” vis-a-vis animals in Chinese schools. Like this NGO, we are indeed convinced that the raising of awareness is a long-term job and that to sensitize them at an early age to certain truths will make it possible to complete the teaching process, one day or another, with the notion that an animal is not just a machine.

Training the professionals

But taking comfort in the knowledge that changing mentalities in a few decades is just not enough. Too many innocent victims endure, every second, torture that could be avoided if humans, already adults, agreed to question their beliefs and behaviours. 

But how can the supposed holders of knowledge nevertheless have enormous gaps in the field of neurology? How to act when Chinese veterinarians still consider that animals do not feel physical pain or mental anguish? Many of them still do not use anaesthetics, even for sterilization! And that is just because of simple ignorance ...

In its fight against obscurantism, ACTAsia has also embarked on the development of a training scheme for Asian veterinarians with the Australian NGO Vets For Comparison (VFC). Objective: to encourage the practice of using anaesthetics for all operations and through this new approach to change the way professionals look at animals and their suffering. 

Reaching out to the areas of Yulin

This year, the program "Train the trainer" has been accepted by the poor and remote province of Guangxi in southern China. This is an unprecedented progress in a rural area known for its appetite for dog meat and its lack of understanding of animal welfare.

The road to Yulin Animal Disease Control Centre and the veterinarians attending it has proved difficult. This city is sadly known for the festival held every year. Every 21stof June, the summer solstice is celebrated in a bloodbath at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. In question here is the well-established superstition that consuming canine meat, especially during the longest days, would promote good health. Thousands of dogs, and also cats, are regularly transported there - with a rise in numbers this season and in appalling conditions. They endure hell: piled on top of each other in cages, on the verge of asphyxiation, they wait to be scalded and then cut into pieces, sometimes still alive, then to be devoured.

In 2017, no less than 11 million people worldwide signed petitions, including One Voice, to try to abolish this festival of horror. Despite a brief hope of respite, the gigantic killing has unfortunately seen no truce as yet. Worse still, a second market has emerged under the impetus of some associations that buy dogs to save them. Rather than putting a stop to these atrocities, this has only led to an explosion in supply and trade: merchants continue to sell these "beautiful" dogs for meat, while still obtaining others, sick ones who are destined for the defence of animal centres. But they find themselves overwhelmed with animals and unable to properly care for these poor survivors.

Wining the spirits

In this difficult context, ACTAsia was not discouraged. Their trainers, from Australia and New Zealand, were able to work with Chinese veterinarians and say they were very impressed and moved by their willingness to learn. They were able to teach them how to vaccinate dogs against rabies, how to use the latest sterilization techniques to control the number of stray animals and perhaps most importantly to have respect for the animals and treat them as sentient beings.

Better still, ACTAsia has found that by offering practical solutions to professionals and by demonstrating the importance of compassion, their eyes are being opened and are changing the way citizens around them think as well.

One Voice salutes the remarkable work done by their partner and the perseverance from all its staff in the field. A long way still remains to go before their message wins all of the minds and hearts. But we will support their tireless efforts to promote a real common revolution.

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 21

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Franck | Saturday 17 November 2018

MERCI MILLE FOIS de mettre cela en lumière, en Chine mais aussi dans une grande partie de l’Asie (Cambodge, Vietnam, Corée, etc.), ces pauvres sont abattus dans des conditions atroces qui relèvent de la cruauté pure. Fidèle donateur et soutien de OneVoice, il y a également de formidables actions faites localement et je les aide aussi. De grâce, faites le également, ils ont absolument besoin de visibilité pour que les mentalités changent sous la pression. Merci OneVoice de cette publication.

Valy | Saturday 17 November 2018

Quoi????? Les véto chinois découvrent maintenant...MAINTENANT que les chiens ne sont pas des objets et qu'ils ressentent la douleur et la peur....non mais...."foutage de gueule"!! On va pas nous faire croire çà quand même!
Qu'est ce qu'ils apprennent dans les écoles vétérinaires...à découper les animaux pour qu'ils soient plus tendres dans l'assiette???

trochu | Friday 16 November 2018

Quel triste constat vraiment de ce qu'endurent les chats et chiens en Chine, juste par manque d'information même des vétérinaires chose tout de même très choquante il faut l'avouer, car ne pas anesthésier les animaux lors des stérilisations n'est qu'épouvantable et abominable, nous devons nous mettre à la place de tous ces animaux ainsi maltraités et torturés, avec barbaries inimaginables et j'en passe..... Le travail que vous faites ONE VOICE est fabuleux et merveilleux, car grâce à ces formations des spécialistes en Chine et de l'information et sensibilisation de la population et des enfants, les animaux seront bientôt considérés et respectés en tant QU ETRES VIVANTS à part entière comme nous, et de ce fait, l'expérimentation animale prendra une autre tournure et ne sera plus autant cautionnée et tolérée par les chinois. Quant au festival de chiens et de chats, honteux et scandaleux de Yulin, nous devons tout faire afin qu'il prenne fin à jamais et soit interdit définitivement, car rien qu'en voyant ces photos et en imaginant le triste sort misérable et lamentable de tous ces pauvres animaux, entassés les uns sur les autres et traités comme de la simple "marchandise et nourriture" fait très mal et est insupportable et doit cesser. Il est tout de même incroyable qu'un tel pays comme la Chine qui pourtant très en avance en technologie en robotisation et autres, est encore au moyen-âge concernant la cause animale et la protection et défense des animaux encore non considérés comme ETRES VIVANTS comme eux, il est plus que temps que les mentalités changent et évoluent très favorablement envers les animaux en bannissant leurs exploitations immondes et infâmes
d'animaux dans tous les domaines.

Aurélie | Friday 16 November 2018

Stop au massacre ! Stop au festival de Yulin !