Monday 14 May 2018 | 29

In response to the rumours about the upcoming release of Maya

In response to the rumours about the upcoming release of Maya

Mis à jour le 27 June 2018

After all the legal actions, rallies, ... that have been found in the forum written by Corine Pelluchon, we have had information since the end of April, which we chose not to divulge so as not to compromise the future of Maya.

Hr blog

We must wait, we are aware that it is long. Unfortunately, the release of Maya is absolutely not certain. We commit ourselves with the support of the signatories from the forum, to do everything possible to ensure that the circus respects the law in the shortest possible time.

If Maya were to be released too late or worse to die in the coming weeks, she alone would symbolise all of the country’s failures, with regard to animals. The law is not being enforced.

Rest assured we continue to work with all our might to get Maya transferred as soon as possible away from the circus. Other actions are planned.

Please continue to sign and share the petition!


Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 29

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Mic | Friday 18 May 2018

Trop de paperasses !!!!

cayenne | Friday 18 May 2018

Comment peut-on se réjouir de la souffrance animale ???
Arrêtons ces pratiques d'un autre âge! Il existe déjà des cirques sans animaux qui proposent des numéros formidablement beaux!

Brena | Friday 18 May 2018

Comment peut-on faire souffrir un pauvre éléphant ! Maya mérite de vivre ses dernières années en paix .
J'invite toutes les personnes à
Informer le maximum de personnes afin qu'elles boycottent tous les cirques avec animaux .

Tiphaine | Friday 18 May 2018

La France doit être condamnée sur ce plan au niveau européen. Sur le traitement réservé sur son sol aux animaux sauvages captifs, et la non application immédiate des décisions de justice. Je ne sais pas si c'est possible, mais seule une telle décision pourrait (peut-être ?) faire avancer les choses. Il faut entreprendre des démarches en ces sens, si elles sont possibles là encore.