Wednesday 28 August 2019 | 66

Tigers and lions exploited for life in the Loiret

Tigers and lions exploited for life in the Loiret

Mis à jour le 20 June 2020

In August 2019, our investigators went to Loiret, to a tiger and lion trainer very well known in show business. As for their only horizon, these seven cats have only a few square meters of wire mesh. In addition to the captivity and training that make up their daily lives, the trainer organizes visits to individuals on his property several times a day, with the support of the tourist office of the department.

Hr blog

In the garden and on the gates are lions' heads. We are without a doubt at the property of a trainer. For 27 years, Rémy Demantes has been raising and training big cats, with a cane in hand, for advertisements, film clips and television shows. The lions leave their enclosures and are then transported on the roads, to be exposed to the unknown, the noise and the lights, with noisy humans all around them.

When a baby tiger is born, it is irretrievably removed from its mother, and quickly exhibited in front of groups of humans, at the circus museum directed by the trainer, for a daily show of one hour. Private tours of the farm are offered to the public by the owner, not far from there ... Our investigators have reported images of these seven feline prisoners.

Seven tigers and lions locked up for life

Tanga is the oldest. She is fifteen years old and lives alone in a mesh enclosure of barely 35m², in the centre of which sits a rock and a tree trunk. Suffice to say that his prison is devoid of any enrichment.

The youngest, Mawak, born three months ago, left the trainers house for a 6 m² enclosure on garden tiles. No grass or clay for its little legs. When he finally comes out, on the end of a leash, he is refused the chance to play to play in the vines of the Virginia creepers.
No, he must do his business on demand, before the show, and pose for the photo with the visitors of the day, who can also hold him on a leash or shout "no" in a big voice to frighten him. The baby tiger is raised with a lot of slaps and small, well-felt blows on the head, using a wooden stick.

At the bottom of the garden, his parents, including Radja the white tiger, (these tigers exist only in captivity, the fruits from cross breeding between sick animals) and a tigress, Jade, who was seen roughly handling her baby. The menagerie, consists of cages that can barely contain them, are damp and smell very strong, all in a permanent building. How extremely sad to see them like this!

Nearby, Judy the tigress lives with Tina, a young lioness. Nothing is natural here. Tigers live alone when they are free and in the wild and on a different continent than that of lions! Timba, the lion in the enclosure next door seems weary and hopelessly bored and idle.

A lucrative activity supported by the tourist office

For his museum and the visit of to see his livestock, Rémy Demantes has received several awards «a heart of gold » from the department’s tourist office, which supports this activity from another era.
The trainer justifies this breeding and this training by draping himself behind the legality of his activities and uses the dangers of poaching of free tigers in the wild for his excuses. The existence of poaching or trophy hunting is a problem in itself to be combated, but is in no case a valid reason for reducing animals to a life of slavery, forever confined and enslaved.

Captivity: a danger for cats and humans

It is not love when you take a little one from its mother, you take her place to feed it and make it dependent on you, then you hit it while it tries to learn to be a tiger in the full sense of the term. It is not love to condemn an animal to a life of imprisonment. Because captivity, training, exhibition, homelessness, proximity to humans creates not only health risks on both sides, but dangers for humans on contact. The intense stress, which affects these animals' causes problems to their immune systems.

These practices must stop! The Loiret department, as well as the television channels, film and clip directors, actors, singers and advertisers must also take action against this captivity! Help us to denounce any use of wild animals in these contexts! Let us call together as one to demand that the tourist office of Loiret stops the promotion of this place !

Please contact the tourist office via their website by clicking here or by email at A sample letter is available for download here.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 66

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Farengui | Tuesday 03 September 2019

Nous vivons dans un monde de "profits et de consommation" infernaux. Il est donc devenu normal de chercher toujours "mieux" pour attirer ce monde blasé. Le respect de l'animal et du vivant en général est largement bafoué pour l'intérêt financier que son exploitation éhontée représente. Et, le public toujours à la recherche du sensationnel, spectaculaire, ne réfléchit pas et se précipite sans imaginer que les animaux sont esclaves, exploités, maltraités et souffrent tout au cours de leur vie puisque celle-ci ne ressemble en rien à ce qu'elle devrait être. Ils ne pourront jamais vivre la vie qui devrait être la leur.

MONIQUE | Tuesday 03 September 2019

Je suis profondément révoltée et choquée de voir qu'il y a encore des départements qui pensent promouvoir leur région avec ce genre d'attractions. Comment peut- on sacrifier des animaux sauvages vivant dans de grands espaces pour les mettre dans des parcs exigus et en plus, les isoler, alors que leur vraie vie est en groupe !
Comment peut-on séparer un lionceau de sa mère pour le seul plaisir de se faire tripoter par des touristes comme une peluche ? Cela va à l'encontre de ce que les enfants apprennent à l'école: le respect de la vie!
Nous vous demandons de faire le nécessaire rapidement pour réintroduire ces animaux dans leur milieu naturel, et limiter ainsi les risques d'accidents, que l'humain puisse enfin réagir en ...humain.

MAITE | Monday 02 September 2019

N'est-ce pas au public de ne pas venir et ainsi rejeter ce type de commerce ?
Le public ne se rend-t-il pas complice en participant par sa présence ?
Les réseaux sociaux doivent-ils aussi faire circuler l'info ?
Pensions-nous avoir tout vu dans l'exploitation et la souffrance animale, certains nous surprennent-ils encore ?
Notre comportement responsable peut-il ainsi faire honte à ces personnages ?

Amy | Saturday 31 August 2019

A priori les gestionnaires de l'office du tourisme n'ont pas tout compris. C'est une grave erreur que de tolérer le "dressage" d'animaux sauvages. Il est puéril de croire qu'un félin est heureux dans une telle vie de dressage, ceci n'est pas naturel