Monday 04 July 2022 | 20

Hundreds of monkeys unloaded from the cargo of an Egyptair plane at JFK Airport

Hundreds of monkeys unloaded from the cargo of an Egyptair plane at JFK Airport

Mis à jour le 02 September 2022

Despite public opposition, Egyptair continues to play a major role in the worldwide trade of non-human primates for research and toxicity testing (poisoning). On 23 June 2022, hundreds of long-tailed macaques were filmed by PETA in the process of being unloaded from an Egyptair cargo plane which had just landed at JFK Airport in the United States. The monkeys, native to Cambodia, had been subjected to a traumatising ordeal lasting up to 30 hours. And that is nothing compared to what awaits them...

Hr blog

Image: monkeys unloaded at JFK Airport, New York, USA - Credit: PETA

Now that Air France has announced their intention to stop transporting non-human primates for research purposes, we have to maintain pressure on Egypt air so that they will do the same. All the more so as we believe that the airline company will only increase their monkey transportations once Air France stops. We know that Egyptair has already transported long-tailed macaques from Vietnam and Mauritius, the two countries from which Air France regularly transports monkeys. Thanks to all those who have contributed to the worldwide campaign that we are leading with Action for Primates and Stop Camarles and have written to Air France. We are now asking you to join us in our appeal to Egyptair so that they will follow Air France’s example and stop their involvement in the trade of non-human primates.

Send an email (even if you already have done so) urging Egyptair to join Air France and the many other airline companies who have refused to be implicated in the worldwide transport of monkeys for animal testing:

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

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Comments 20

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Nicole | Thursday 07 July 2022

C'est inadmissible d'envoyer des êtres vivants à la torture, nous sommes au 21ème siècle, il existe d'autres solutions. Vous devez reconnaître qu'il y a une souffrance énorme avant d'arriver à la mort pour tous les animaux. Et on se demande d'où provient la disparition des espèces

amie des animaux | Thursday 07 July 2022

C'est désespérant de voir la lenteur de l'évolution des mentalités bien ancrées dans des cerveaux étroits et cupides mais et en attendant, ce sont les animaux qui subissent les conséquences de la domination et l'ignorance des animaux humains !!!

Dom | Thursday 07 July 2022

Stop au transport d'animaux pour l'expérimentation animale ne soyez pas complice laissez ces animaux libres dans leur environnement.

Martine | Thursday 07 July 2022

Non aux transports d' animaux pour l' expérimentation animale .Respectez ces animaux et ne soyez pas complice de ces cruautés .