Tuesday 21 November 2023 | 16

Horseshoe crabs tested on for their blood: yes, alternatives exist

Horseshoe crabs tested on for their blood: yes, alternatives exist

Mis à jour le 20 March 2024

In a video published by online media company Brut on Wednesday 15 November, an underwater photographer explains regretfully that the blood of horseshoe crabs is necessary for the production of all vaccines. An incorrect statement that we are going back on.

Hr blog

In the video, we hear the interviewee state that, today, “we cannot go without horseshoe crabs” to make vaccines, and even that there is “no alternative” and that “this is why half a million horseshoe crabs are captured and fished each year”.

These lies, broadcast to thousands of people, obviously made us hopping mad given that methods without these animals have existed for around fifteen years.

Monocyte activation tests*, which assess the pyrogenicity** of substances directly on human blood components, have been approved since 2006 and were included in the European Pharmacopoeia in 2009. And that is not all: since 2020, it has also been possible to use a synthesis reaction to guarantee the safety of the products being tested for future patients.

These recognised methods do not, however, force laboratories to stop using horseshoe crabs who are arthropods living on the seabed that are endangered now due to overfishing and the loss of their habitat. According to the report, horseshoe crabs - from whom 30% of their blood was taken - are released into the wild and marked so that they are not used for a second ‘sample’. Despite these minimal provisions, with this blood loss, half of them die as a result of this barbaric protocol.

Worse, despite the existence of methods that do not involve animal suffering, researchers sometimes persist in living in the past. We saw this in rabbits: the monocyte activation tests that could also replace the pyrogen tests carried out on them did not prevent France from testing on more and more individuals for these experiments between 2015 and 2019 and from killing them.

Faced with researchers’ relentlessness and generalised resistance on this subject, it is necessary for laboratories to use alternative methods to animal experimentation when they exist, for any information produced to highlight alternative methods, and for public authorities to fund research into them where they do not exist!

*Monocyte Activation Tests (MAT) measure the release of cytokines (molecules that participate in the activation of an immune response) with monocytes (cells present in the blood) while human blood is exposed to a trial substance.

**that which induces fever

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

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Comments 16

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Daniele | Friday 24 November 2023

Quel plaisir de toujours faire souffrir les animaux. Il y a des barbares même dans les laboratoires

Mayatigros@wanadoo.fr | Friday 24 November 2023

Tout est prétexte à la cruauté envers les animaux, les expériences en laboratoire qui ne servent à rien, sinon à engendrer une souffrance inimaginable, mais qui couvrent tous les laboratoires vis à vis des lois ! Idem pour les élevages et abattages industriels, c'est immonde ! Invraisemblable ! Lisez "Âmes animales", par Jr Dos Santos. Idem pour les animaux de cirque (cette expression est déjà une anomalie), de zoos et de compagnie, les chevaux de course, mais aussi de loisir. La chasse au 21° siècle est toujours aussi barbare (je vous invite à visionner l'histoire de Tanguy, un sanglier élevé pour la chasse...). Tout n'est qu'horreur et les politiques de tou les partis sont complices.

Marinette | Friday 24 November 2023

A quand la fin de toutes ces pratiques lamentables sur les animaux de mer et autres ?

Claire | Friday 24 November 2023

Stop arrêtons de faire tout et n'importe quoi avec le monde animal