Saturday 11 August 2018 | 27

Help L'école du chat who are in shock after an attack on its most vulnerable proteges

Help L'école du chat who are in shock after an attack on its most vulnerable proteges

Mis à jour le 04 January 2019

Three cats died from an act of violence which left two cats, two dogs and humans traumatized. L’école du chat in Quiberon has suffered serious harm, in fact everyone has suffered from this sordid and sad tale because of the malice of some. An investigation is underway, we support this shelter, a long-time partner of ours.

Hr blog

During the first weekend of August, it was very hot in France. In Brittany the torpidity of the day eventually gave way to the freshness of the night. Everything was calm. Sally and Mojito, two little cats who lived atL’école du chat in Quiberon took advantage of the shade from their little cabin, while Martin, as usual, played quietly and taught Jason and Mathurin his best tricks. Because they are the youngest, they are also the most playful. These five cats have FIV (a virus attacking the immune system, such as HIV for humans), are very fragile to any infection, which can be fatal. These charming cats with a difficult past and the volunteers who lavish them with all possible love, helping to restore in them their taste for life and their confidence in the future ... This was their last evening of serenity together.

During the night of Sunday through to Monday two extremely friendly dogs, a Labrador and a German Shepherd were stolen from a family who want to file a lawsuit against the unnamed.

At dawn, the perpetrators went around to L’école du chat in Quiberon, they spotted a place where the roof was the least solid and threw the dogs from a height of two metres into the compound. The two large dogs panicked. On landing, they obviously suffered and were very scared. They then proceeded to attack the cats ...

Sally and Mojito, the weakest of the cats, were literally scared to death, suffering heart attacks. In a flash, Jason and Mathurin had the reflex to protect themselves by climbing up high, and then witnessed the scene of extreme violence.

When help arrived, Martin was found in a pool of blood under a palette of the cabin. He was immediately taken to the vet. He underwent many treatments, but his body was too weak ... After a 3-day fight, having already suffered so much, we had to let him go. On Thursday at the end of the day he eventually passed away, surrounded by love.

Jason and Mathurin have no physical injuries. But the trauma is still there, they are constantly worried. They no longer feel safe in their cabin, and now live hidden in their blankets. They need as soon as possible a host family or a permanent one. They are always close to the volunteers of the shelter, but are impossible to appease: they try to flee their cabin as soon as the door opens.

L’école du chat in Quiberon has filed a lawsuit against the unnamed perpetrators, we will give the school legal help, this act of extreme violence is against everyone in this sad story. Dead cats, traumatized survivors, dogs, and shelter volunteers who already need much support on a daily basis, to cope with food and veterinary expenses, and even equipment to improve the reception conditions for their unfortunate residents!

You too can help L’école du chat in Quiberon, participate in their prize draw, or propose to be a family for Jason or Mathurin!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 27

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Pascale | Saturday 18 August 2018

Je suis écœurée de lire cela. L.humanite inflige Une horreur chaque jour .c.est fais de mon mieux, en adoptant et secourant les chats abandonnés que je rencontre. Je vous envoie un chèque dès aujourd’hui. Bien sincèrement

Chocolat | Friday 17 August 2018

La bêtise humaine n'a pas encore touché le fond, l'humain qui maltraite des animaux ne se respecte pas lui-même ni ses semblables.
Courage aux amis des animaux, ne lâchons rien, protégeons nos amis à quatre pattes avec notre coeur car ils le méritent.

pouguy | Friday 17 August 2018

La justice française est incompétente pour juger ces gens là, ça se voit avec les peines lamentables qu'elle donne

Lolotte | Thursday 16 August 2018

C'est d'une cruauté sans nom que de s'attaquer à des animaux sans défense qui ne souhaitent que de l'amour. La bassesse et l'horreur de certains hommes me dégoûtent de plus en plus et me conforte dans l'amour que j'ai et que j'aurais toute ma vie pour les animaux qui sont bien plus humains que nous et qui grâce aux combats de certains rares grands coeurs peuvent être protégés.