Friday 03 November 2023 | 9

Hearing in Bordeaux on 7 November 2023 against Richard Mandral, the ‘hunting’ dog breeder from the Périgord

Hearing in Bordeaux on 7 November 2023 against Richard Mandral, the ‘hunting’ dog breeder from the Périgord

Mis à jour le 28 February 2024

On 7 November 2023 at 9:30am, One Voice will be at the Bordeaux Administrative Court of Appeal. There, we will be contesting the Administrative Tribunal’s refusal to force the Dordogne Prefect to seize Richard Mandral’s ‘hunting’ dogs. For these animals that have been mistreated for years, we are demanding that authorities’ inaction finally comes to an end.

Hr blog

Nothing, or almost nothing, has changed since our discovery of the Dordogne site where Mandral stored around a hundred ‘hunting’ dogs riddled with disease as though they were worthless tools, left at the mercy of the bad weather and boredom. The complaint filed for them in 2019 continues to be enriched with new elements, each more overwhelming than the last. In 2020, our rescue of sixteen animals kept by the breeder-hunter revealed that they were suffering from numerous health issues, to the point where their lives had been put in danger. As though this was not enough, the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP) also revealed irregularities during their checks. But the prefecture takes pleasure in doing nothing, preferring to blow hot air with ineffective approaches rather than taking real measures to protect the mistreated dogs that are right in front of their eyes. Following the Bordeaux Administrative Tribunal’s refusal to force the prefect to proceed with the protective removal of the animals, which we have been requesting for years, we have appealed.

We are asking for a new life for the victims of this hunter

Mandral has moved house, changing department. But we will not abandon the dogs subjected to the disgraceful treatment that they have been subjected to for years, chained up in the mud, shut into small vans, and so famished that some of them ended up eating the corpses of their companions who had not survived, as we revealed in our numerous investigations on site. The person responsible for this situation (known for having participated in the trafficking of dogs resold to laboratories in the 1980s), already sentenced in 2021 for not having his ‘kennel’ in order, must answer for his actions.

On 7 November at 9:30am at the Bordeaux Administrative Court of Appeal, we will be asking once again for the dogs to be taken away from this person who exploits them mercilessly. We are also still waiting for him to be tried for abandonment, acts of cruelty, and mistreatment committed by an owner.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 9

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Mme loup | Wednesday 31 January 2024

C'est une HONTE de DETENIR DES ANIMAUX et de les malmener !

marie-claude | Wednesday 08 November 2023

Ces exploitations de chiens doivent être interdites, ce sont des chiens malheureux toute leur minable vie et quand ils ne sont plus aptes à la chasse on les supprime comme des vulgaires choses, même pas des êtres vivants. Les chasseurs doivent être punis une bonne fois pour toute et ne plus pratiquer les élevages.

A | Wednesday 08 November 2023

J'espère que ce sombre individu, sans éthique et violent aura une sanction pénale à la hauteur des ignobles traitements qu'il a infligés à ces pauvres chiens !

Shogun 74 | Tuesday 07 November 2023

Pauvres chiens, l'homme qui les détient dans des conditions lamentables, doit être sanctionné, aucune indulgence !...pour le poney club c'est indigne, qui va sanctionner la maltraitance pour ces pauvres et merveilleux animaux ?