Tuesday 27 September 2016 | 61

France-Turkey: the unbearable ordeal of exported cows

France-Turkey: the unbearable ordeal of exported cows

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

The association CIWF has just published the terrible images of its investigation into cattle transport from Europe to Turkey. France, who is a major player, must stop taking part and ban this cruel trade!

Hr blog

Thirsty and hungry, they lick the bars of their lorry. They eat their excrement. Heavily pregnant, they give birth to a baby who is immediately taken away. Exhausted, some succumb in the lorries on the Turkish border. Some are born in France, others come from elsewhere in Europe. Their ordeal is indescribable, the images are unbearable.

CIWF's investigation

The association CIWF is one of One Voice's comrades. Its partners Tierschutzbund Zurich, Animal Welfare Foundation and Eyes on animals carried out an investigation in Kapikule in June this year, on the border between Bulgary and Turkey as part of an investigation which began in 2010. Out of the 200 lorries that crossed the border, 109 were inspected. The cattle had been shut in these lorries in the sun for several days, without clean water or food. The temperature was more than 38oC in these vehicles, where the smell of ammonia mixed with the smell of the bodies… not everyone can survive in such conditions. 5 calves were born there, one of them by caesarean, its mother cut open without anaesthetic, in the road. The calf was already dead. Exhausted and with her stomach still open, she didn't manage to get back into the trailer. So her throat was cut whilst she was fully conscious, next to the lorry.

France is guilty

France's involvement in this genuine scandal is far from being anecdotal. France was the largest exporter of live animals to Turkey in 2015. The number then fell following the bluetongue virus epidemic, but agreements are currently in negotiation to increase exportations again. We must also highlight that during a 6-year investigation, 350 lorries transporting sheep and cows were inspected. Of these, 89% coming from France's direction were in violation of the European legislation. And French and European authorities have been aware of this for a long time!

We must say stop!

Faced with this unacceptable horror, One Voice is supporting the request addressed to Stephane Le Foll (the French Agricultural Minister) by CIWF to stop all live animal exports to Turkey. You can do something by sending him a request on the ministry website.

But you can also help us to alter consumption habits. These cows undoubtedly originate from the dairy industry… Right until the end, they are treated like production machines and their calves like by-products. To help you in the change towards a vegan diet, you can visit The Vegan Society's website.

Crédit photo : www.AWF-TSB.org & Eyes on Animals

Hr blog

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Comments 61

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gpdcoat | Wednesday 28 September 2016

MÊME avis que Catherine et les autres internautes. Oui honte à la France (enfin aux politiques qui se voilent la face et nous mentent en permanence). Pourquoi faut-il toujours que ce soient des associations qui dénoncent les maltraitances (dans les abattoirs, pour les transports, dans les élevages, les laboratoires) alors qu'il existe des services de l'Etat payés pour cela ? Que font les services vétérinaires ? que fait le Ministre de l'agriculture ? à part faire des constats, des commissions de..., des sous-commissions de ......., à part prouver leur incompétence, leur manque de cœur ? La souffrance animale ne peut pas être séparée de la souffrance humaine ou alors !...... A quand un respect réel, un engagement franc de ceux qui donnent des leçons mais ne retiennent rien de la réalité, face aux dérives auxquelles nous assistons tous les jours ? A quand l'arrêt de la torture autorisée dans le cadre de la tauromachie ? Quand pourrons-nous élire un Humaniste ? Le mot est certainement inconnu de la plupart de nos politiques plus impliqués pour leur sort enviable et leurs avantages que par le bien-être et le respect de l'animal. Assez de tout cela et honte à eux.

francine | Wednesday 28 September 2016

Absolument écœurée par ces lignes que je viens de lire. Et personne ne réagit! Et nos têtes pensantes là-haut que font elles? Mr Le Foll et d’autres ministres faites quelque chose contre toute cette cruauté que subissent nos bêtes qu'on envoie abattre à l'étranger.

Lookgold | Wednesday 28 September 2016

Mon dieu, un peu d'humanité. Mais que cesse cette honte. Ou allons-nous...

GAINON | Tuesday 27 September 2016

Que de souffrances !!!!!! Plus de coeur, juste 1 porte monnaie à la place.