Thursday 22 March 2018 | 46

Four fallow deer spread panic in the Prefecture of Ardeche

Four fallow deer spread panic in the Prefecture of Ardeche

Mis à jour le 28 May 2018

In Ardèche, four fallow deer came out of a private property in December 2017, and walked into an adjoining wood. The hunters wanted to kill them, but without permission, impossible. Never mind, they made the request to the Prefect, who granted their wish.

Hr blog

When questions arise regarding wild animals in our countryside, killing them is often the answer to which the authorities resort systematically. The federations of hunters, very small in the population, seem to have all the power, while it should be the opposite ... Yet alternative solutions, expected by the population does exist, and there are many.

For the Prefecture of the Ardèche, the four fallow deer should not remain free in the wild as they would represent "a danger for the safety of everyone and to crops, by their movements and their need to feed". The Prefect therefore ordered their slaughter by accredited specialist hunters, by issuing an order on February 27th 2018 to "destroy" them to avoid their "proliferation".

But how do these four sentient beings cause problems? Are they dangerous? Sick? Did they attack anyone? No. Their existence itself would be a problem because they walk, eat and are free. That's all.

However, these fallow deer are protected by their status as captive and tamed wild animals, and the Prefect must provide evidence of what he declares about the damage that fallow deer could cause.

Because in France, no legislation protects free wild animals that only aspire to live in peace with us. They can therefore be subject to "destruction" orders. But those kept captive and exploited by and for humans are entitled to a semblance of protection, and this was the case for these fallow deer.

We had filed an appeal to suspend urgently and cancel this order. The hearing took place on March 16th; the judge decided to maintain this order.

At the same time, we wrote to the Prefect proposing to take charge of the transfer of these animals to the Association for the Protection of Wildlife (APFS) in Sedan, a sanctuary partner who agreed to receive them permanently in his 14 hectare park. 

Our era saw the sixth mass extinction of animals on the planet, our country is urbanizing more and more, and some animals that are still wild living in our territories are becoming increasingly threatened. That's enough! Solutions other than the annihilation of all animals must be able to be heard and implemented.

"Lessons are taught in faraway countries on how to protect their elephants, and we are not able to protect our own fallow deer in our own country."
- Muriel Arnal 

We make an appeal; we will do everything so that these four fallow deer can live!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 46

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Coco19 | Friday 08 June 2018

Cette affaire devait être classée depuis longtemps. Ces daims peuvent être pris en charge à vie par une association donc il n y a plus d affaire. Que nos élus et nos juges ne gaspillent pas leur temps ils ont mieux à faire.
Laisser vivre ces daims innocents ce serait montrer votre bon sens et votre humanité.....

Fabienne | Friday 01 June 2018

Quel belle phrase!!

echane | Thursday 17 May 2018

quelle honte ce pays FRANCE qui pleure la perte de sa biodiversité, et qui massacre à tout va daims, renards et moult espèces sous le dictat des chasseurs.
Raz le bol de cette politique assassine de vies; empêchons par tous moyens cette tuerie de ces daims.

Kak | Sunday 13 May 2018

Où en es t'on concernant les Daims , svp.merci.

one voice | Wednesday 16 May 2018

Nous avons une procédure devant le Tribunal administratif qui se poursuit pour annuler les arrêtés de tirs, et nous avons fait un recours en cassation devant le conseil d'état pour le rejet de notre demande de suspension de ces tirs, ce recours en cassation est lui aussi toujours en cours.

Parallèlement nous allons engager dans quelques jours un recours pour le refus implicite qui nous a été opposé par le préfet de l'Ardèche de nous remettre les daims. Bien cordialement.