Wednesday 29 August 2018 | 17

Forced to swim under the glare of onlookers for a captive elephant

Forced to swim under the glare of onlookers for a captive elephant

Mis à jour le 07 December 2018

It's a pleasure for free elephants to bathe and swim. But in no case should they be forced into a deep pool where they struggle to hold their heads above the water! Yet it is the daily life for elephants held in a Thai zoo. This is unacceptable, the public must refuse to go see this! We contacted Trip Advisor to stop recommending the attraction and selling tickets. An immediate success of this operation!

Hr blog

The video of "World Animal News" shows an elephant who seems to be struggling to swim. The tiny pool has a glass partition, allowing dozens of zoo customers to see the elephant underwater. But what show are we seeing? The humiliation of the largest land mammal, struggling to keep his head out of the water, forced to perform! What extreme stress!

We alerted Trip Advisor as soon as we became aware of these outrageous images. How can we continue to sell tickets for this not only violent but ridiculous attraction to an endangered animal in the wild? What does it teach children? What image does it give of wild animals?

Two days later, Trip Advisor reacted our observations and requests!

The success of this popular rallying together is undeniable: tickets for this attraction are no longer sold by Trip Advisor, with immediate effect!

Thank you to all of you who rallied to help!

TripAdvisor's response to our mail
TripAdvisor's response to our mail
Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 17

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danielle | Friday 31 August 2018

Abject !!!!

Isa | Friday 31 August 2018

Merci à tous ceux qui ont le courage et la détermination d'agir contre toutes les cruautés, barbaries, stupidités envers tous les êtres vivants !
Nous avons tous le pouvoir d'agir à notre niveau : de petits gestes au quotidien peuvent changer la donne ! Osons !

Marie L | Friday 31 August 2018

La bêtise humaine ne sait plus quoi inventer et les gens regardent cet affreux spectacle sans se poser de question ???... Franchement !!!

trochu | Friday 31 August 2018

Franchement c'est à en pleurer, comment peut on exploiter, rabaisser et ridiculiser un animal dont ici un éléphant ETRE VIVANT à part entière comme tous ces touristes qui semblent ravis et comblés par "un tel spectacle de misère animale". Ce n'est que révoltant et sidérant. Nous devons faire cesser tout cela et sensibiliser les populations quant au respect et considération totale des animaux qui ne sont en rien "des objets de distraction ou d'amusement" mais DES ETRES VIVANTS TRES SENSIBLES TRES EMOTIONNELS ET TRES INTELLIGENTS autant que nous pour beaucoup qui méritent le même grand respect.
Ce n'est que honteux et scandaleux !