Tuesday 17 May 2016 | 208

For the cats and dogs sacrificed in China

For the cats and dogs sacrificed in China

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

It's almost summer, it's almost Yulin.. On the 21st of June, tens of thousands of dogs and cats will be massacred then eaten. And even if it is just a drop in the ocean compared with the millions that are killed every year in this part of the world, it's the tipping point…

Hr blog

The Yulin festival is subject to much talk, and for good reason. On the first day of summer, 10,000 dogs and 2,000 cats are killed, if we take local authorities figures into account – but local associations estimate this to be more in the region of 40,000 dogs and 10,000 cats… It's the biggest massacre of dogs and cats in the world!

These cats and dogs come mostly from abattoirs, but an investigation by One Voice and its local partner ACTAsia confirms that in fact some are also kidnapped from their homes and taken from their families. Before their slaughter, they are stacked in tiny cages and stocked in hangars. Water and food are scarce and many do not survive the conditions of incarceration. Others are left extremely weak. When trying to save 1,000 dogs and cats last year, the associations encountered serious difficulties, struggling to provide the veterinary care required for such a vast number of individuals.

The images filmed by One Voice in China and Vietnam give an idea of what happens to these animals… The suffering inflicted upon them before their death is supposed to improve the taste of their meat…

One Voice has been working since 2008 in China with ACTAsia. Together, they are working to change the numerous barbaric practices out there, the Yulin festival being just one of these…

Without adapted legislation, tens of millions of animals will die every year. The campaign led by One Voice and ACTAsia aims to create awareness and educate with lobbies to the authorities. If we don't change the mentality, these cruel traditions will continue…

This festival must be stopped once and for all. Stopping the festival is crucial not only to eradicate the horrendous suffering involved, but also to obtain a minimum level of respect for those who, in Asia too, are human companions. How can we install respect for those who are exploited for their fur, their bile, their meat and for an 'experience'?

Sign and share the petition, there is still time to stop the massacre!

Hr blog

In the subject

Cage hens: during the hearing before the State Council, the public reporter proves NGOs right Unpublished investigation: deer farming and culling in France. No respite for wild animals

Comments 208

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Charlotte | Thursday 22 November 2018

Atroce qu'est ce pays !!!! Les chiens y vivent l'enfer absolue !!!! C'est une priorité pour moi que tous ces chiens soient sortis de ce pays !!!! Je ne mourrai pas tranquille tant que cet enfer perdurera pour ces chiens si aimants

nivette | Friday 16 November 2018

l horreur absolue, la barbarie

bigdicer | Saturday 14 July 2018

c'est très rare ou je pleure, là! après avoir lu l'articule et vu la vidéo, je n'arrive pas à contrôler mes larmes...

Pierrot | Friday 29 June 2018
