Wednesday 05 October 2022 | 12

Finance bill: One Voice is stepping up to the plate to defend their right to inform on cruelty to animals

Finance bill: One Voice is stepping up to the plate to defend their right to inform on cruelty to animals

Mis à jour le 22 December 2022

One Voice has noted three amendments that have been passed (n°I-CF16, n°I-CF98, and n°I-CF607, photo below) today by the Finance Committee on the Finance Bill, and which aim to remove fiscal advantages agreed with associations whose activists were guilty of intruding on agricultural and industrial sites.

Hr blog
Amendment by MP Marc Le Fur adopted by the Finance Committee on October 5, 2022

The association, who is a whistle-blower or relays information from whistle-blowers on numerous subjects linked to irregularities and omissions, mistreatment or acts of cruelty to animals by breeders, circus artists, etc., can only condemn this attempt to put the associations in a difficult position, when they actually defend compliance with the laws in place against cover-ups. We will not allow the law to be so skewed in favour of these anti-animal and anti-nature lobbies due to pressure groups in favour of private interests being listened to by the Ministry for Agriculture.

One Voice is a revolutionary and non-violent association. Its methods, particularly investigations, allow them to show what is hidden by people who are breaking the law. And the images that they legally produce have allowed numerous victories in favour of animals.

For example, the investigation on the ten tigers kept by a circus trainer having led to their rescue in December 2020, or those in mink farms, for which the images allowed parliamentarians to decide to ban fur farms in France at the end of November 2021. But also our investigations within animal breeding farms (birds, deer, wild boars) serving as game for hunters.

One Voice is therefore calling on all MPs and especially those who want to defend animals, the right to inform, and the right for civil disobedience, to reject these amendments during the plenary session.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

2023: a year in pictures One Voice is rallying in December for International Animal Rights Day

Comments 12

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Béa | Friday 07 October 2022

L'Omerta et la Dictature sont deux soeurs jumelles qui permettent de massacrer et de torturer en toute discrétion et impunité !

Karine | Friday 07 October 2022

Ce gouvernement est un désastre pour la cause animale et le respect du vivant non humain.

Saga | Friday 07 October 2022

Alors que 9 personnes sur 10 sont opposées aux pratiques d'élevage intensif, aux cirques avec animaux, à l'expérimentation animale, à la vénerie, au transport d'animaux vivants, à la maltraitance animale sous toutes ses formes, ce n'est pas l'amendement du député LR M. Le Fur qui souhaite bâillonner les associations de protection animale et environnementale telles que One Voice, L214, Greenpeace et toutes les autres ONG qui changera quoi que ce soit à la volonté et à la détermination de 9 Français sur 10 d'en finir avec les élevages intensifs au profit des élevages de plein air, d'une agriculture raisonnée et responsable respectueuse de l'animal et de l'environnement, notre bien commun à tous.
Alors, avantages fiscaux ou pas, nous continuerons à soutenir financièrement toutes ces associations au service de l'éthique, de la justice et d'un monde meilleur.

xavier78 | Friday 07 October 2022

A vos cotés dans la défense des animaux et contre les lobbys