Thursday 24 August 2017 | 74

Fanette will not go to the slaughterhouse

Fanette will not go to the slaughterhouse

Mis à jour le 25 March 2019

At the educational farm, Fanette * was this sweet mare that the children loved. But when she was about to retire, she was to be driven to the slaughterhouse. By the way, One Voice was able to save her!

Hr blog

Fanette loved walking around with Maddie, her friend a cow.

Together, at a peaceful pace, they grazed the sweet clover and alfalfa of the Ardennes hills side by side. Sometimes, too, when the barrier was left open, Fanette went off to drink at the frog pond, to watch the little amphibians leap from water lily to water lily. In the evening, she went to join her lover, a stallion who was grazing there, in a nearby meadow. Part of her day was spent with chickens, ducks and goats all grouped together in an educational farm, Fanette's mission was to awaken children to the love of Nature. And, in fact, everyone liked her.

But hey! Our mare was getting old.

She hobbled a bit from an anterior hoof and moved with difficulty.She had once leaned against a plum tree and finally uprooted it. From then on, the educational farm chose to replace her with a brand-new filly and foal. And Fanette? Ah, Fanette, you see, she's already 25 years old. And she takes up space, an old horse, it's expensive to maintain! So, she was returned to her owner, who was renting her and whom, in all probability, sent her quickly to the slaughterhouse.

What did the children say when they asked about her?

"And Fanette, where is she?". The children undoubtedly asked questions. And what answer would they have formulated without our intervention? For the cruel truth is far from love: "The old mare? Oh, nothing special: we'll just shoot a metal rod in the middle of her big forehead which is very soft and with her fringe of hair that sweeps over her eyes. Then hang her from a hook in the ceiling and cut her up to make meat. In this world of adults know it well dear little ones, the animals are NOTHING. They are only objects, movable goods that are rented, bought and sold, exploited and killed."

Fortunately, the sad fate of Fanette has reached the ears of One Voice.

Immediately we took this horse in charge and we placed her safely in a suitable sanctuary. Our kind mare now lives today happy, among her new friends’ donkeys and sheep, some of whom are as old as she is. Sometimes, surely, images come back to her and question her. Where did Maddie go, her cow friend? Do not worry Fanette: she will not go to the slaughterhouse either. We will get her to join you soon!

As for educational farms, let us hope that they will be more educational in the future, by giving children the value of respect for animals that they deserve.

* The given names have been changed 

Hr blog

In the subject

Cage hens: during the hearing before the State Council, the public reporter proves NGOs right Unpublished investigation: deer farming and culling in France. No respite for wild animals

Comments 74

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Leïla Derkaoui-Le Bloas | Monday 04 September 2017

Un grand merci d'avoir sauvé Fanette de ce funeste destin dont si peu réchappent et chaud au coeur de la savoir libre de respirer le bon air et de fouler la terre. Je me réjouis que son amie Maddie la rejoigne bientôt. Ce sont des actions répétées comme celle-ci qui éveilleront les consciences. Nous partageons notre planète avec les animaux, c'est un principe qui devrait être au coeur de la vie des humains. On est tellement en paix avec soi-même et sa conscience quand les animaux sont heureux. C'est cela, la "vraie" vie, je crois. Et ce sont des nouvelles comme celle-ci qui me donne le courage de continuer à faire sa part de colibri.

Joe | Sunday 03 September 2017

Ne pas oublier de remercier aussi la personne qui vous à alerté car sans elle, l'association n'aurait pas pu agir.
Notre devoir à tous, c'est d'alerter les associations compétentes lorsque l'on est confronté à toute sorte de maltraitance sur les animaux.
Donc merci à cette personne et merci à vous d'avoir permis à F........ de finir ses jours tranquillement comme elle le mérite.

One Voice | Monday 04 September 2017

Bonjour Joe, bien sûr, nous l'avons chaleureusement remercié :-)

valérie chamignon | Friday 01 September 2017

Tous ces témoignages me donnent du baume au coeur. Je me sens moins seule dans mes sentiments et ma compassion pour les animaux.Merci pour ces belles actions qui me réconcilient avec l'humanité quand elle est positive et empreinte de nobles sentiments et égards vis à vis de nos compagnons de vie.
Merci pour votre mobilisation et vos actions.

Caro | Tuesday 29 August 2017

OOOOOOOOoooooohhhh Impossible. Comment peut-on faire ça. Je suis choquée. Merci de l'avoir récupéré. Quel dommage effectivement au bout de 25 ans d'amour des enfants, ces gens la jettent comme un vieux mouchoir. Les hommes sont vraiment ... Heureusement pas tous.Merci.