Thursday 06 December 2018 | 32

Emma and Gypsie, a friendship destroyed by a hunter

Emma and Gypsie, a friendship destroyed by a hunter

Mis à jour le 17 December 2018

One perished under live ammunition, Gypsie. The other is inconsolable, Emma. The first was a little dog, the second is a very young girl. A wonderful friendship united them, but a hunter split them apart. He executed Gypsie and One Voice demands that he be punished for this crime.

Hr blog

On November 11th, the little girl Emma a resident of Montolieu (11), posted and shared her distress on Twitter. A representative for the hunters of the region had just brought back the body of her dog Gypsie, killed with a single shot at close range. A group of people shared the girl's pain and retweeted her message over 20,000 times.

An inadmissible crime!

One Voice immediately approached Emma to support her and better understand the circumstances of the drama. She told us that the person who reported the bloody corpse of Gypsie admitted to being the culprit of this monstrous act. The man tried to justify himself by explaining that stray dogs had recently attacked his goats and that he had shot Gypsie by mistake. But, according to Emma, it cannot be an accident. The hunter is a neighbour, he knows her family and their four-legged friends very well! Who would have imagined that he would one day target their faithful friend Gypsie? The poor girl even had to go to in front of her enemy without any fear, since she often rubbed shoulders with him and trusted him!

At the side of Emma and her family

From now on, the body of this little dog now lies underground, in front of Emma's house. It was covered with many injuries’ secondary to that of a firearm - certified by a veterinary certificate - before being buried. These are incurable wounds that the girl now carries forever in her heart. Even if no one can return Gypsie to her, she fights to honour her memory and the perpetrator is no longer able to harm her. Her family has since press charges against him on November 17th. We are at her side. One Voice joins the proceedings and claims that the one who stole Gypsie's life should be heavily condemned!

Picture: Emma

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

Melles: the hunting season for goats is open! Hunting birds by crushing them under a stone: is it the end for stone traps?

Comments 32

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max | Saturday 08 December 2018

Comment peut on commettre un acte aussi horrible et gratuit ? ce n'est pas un être humain. Surtout qu'il soit condamné à la hauteur de son geste. Malheureusement Gypsie ne reviendra pas auprès de vous, mais elle sera toujours dans votre coeur. Surveillez bien votre autre petite chienne, parce qu'elle risque de faire une dépression suite au décès de son amie, j'ai connu ce phénomène, et cela peut faire de gros dégats. Bon courage. Monique et Max

Karine et Philippe | Friday 07 December 2018

Que cet homme qui a abattu ce pauvre chien et meurtri le cœur de sa maîtresse soit sévèrement puni. Ils ont toujours les mêmes excuses, je pensais que c'était un animal sauvage et quand bien même, on n'a pas à tirer pour avoir le plaisir de faire un carton. Pour ne pas faire de confusion, il faut rendre le fusil, aller chez l'opticien pour contrôler sa vue et vérifier son taux d'alcoolémie? Que cet individu soit puni et ne bénéficie nullement de circonstances de la Justice, comme s'est souvent trop le cas, car les animaux n'ont pas à être des cibles de barbares. Les lois existent et doivent être respectées et appliquées, c'est cela la démocratie, le respect de tous et de toutes y compris des animaux en leur globalité?

Carolus | Friday 07 December 2018

Avec toi Emma...

Duwood | Friday 07 December 2018

Ne pas laisser cette personne s’en sortir indemne