Friday 22 April 2022 | 14

Eleven animals seized from Kid Bauer in the Saint Léger Park: the investigation continues!

Eleven animals seized from Kid Bauer in the Saint Léger Park: the investigation continues!

Mis à jour le 13 July 2022

On Wednesday 20 April a confiscation took place at the Saint Léger Park as part of our complaint for mistreatment. An extensive inspection was arranged by legal authorities on the property and with staff and also carried out animal by animal with the help of veterinarians. We have organised for the animals seized to be cared for as an outcome of this inspection and entrusted to us.

Hr blog

We could not say anything about it on D-day, especially as nothing was guaranteed until the last minute. But now that the Beauvais public prosecutor’s department have spoken, we can tell you that eleven individuals have been seized and put under One Voice’s protection by the deputy public prosecutor who led operations. Two muntjacs (tiny deer), a porcupine, a swan, the two macaws (parrots), four tortoises, and the python left the Saint Léger Park as soon as the decision was made and the papers were signed.

Eleven animals are safe with our partners

Arriving on site in the refuge of our partners, the animals were first of all placed in quarantine. They will soon be able to get comfortable in much bigger and more secure enclosures than at the Saint Léger Park where, for example, the tortoises were frequently trampled on, as evidenced by the signs reading ‘do not step on the tortoises’ which we took photos of several times over the years, and there were low fences surrounding the space reserved for them. As for the swan, its wings were clipped which prevents it from flying away if it were to be attacked...

The animals still on the premises

The lions and tigers from this settled circus are subjected to training and must perform in shows each day that the park is open to visitors. Members of the public are invited to enter the wild cats’ cage... not to mention the tiger cubs exhibited and passed from one person to another at the end of the show... The lemurs as well, who were filmed a few months ago trying to climb on children, licking hands, risking being trampled on... We will never give up on them. And this is not a persecution of the park owners! We have nothing against them, but a settled circus cannot confine wild cats to a life in a lorry. Who can still believe that that is an acceptable habitat for them? It is clearly the animals who pay the price.

Either way, it is about a provisional placement. We will therefore obviously wait for the end of the investigation and to obtain the magistrate’s final decision, but we are confident for the future of these eleven animals. We will do everything we can for the others, whose futures remain uncertain, especially as the park is up for sale.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 14

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Bonnie | Sunday 07 August 2022

Mes mots ne pourront jamais vous dire ce que je ressens quand je lis vos articles de sauvetages de ces malheureux animaux, si maltraités, si martyrisés par ces individus qui ne méritent pas le nom d'humain.
Je vous aime et je vous admire pour tout ce que vous faites.
Il faut beaucoup de courage pour lutter et lutter sans cesse, sans rien lâcher comme vous dîtes. Surtout ne lâcher rien, jamais, ces malheureux n'ont que vous pour les arracher à leur calvaire.
De mon côté je donne tous les mois à votre Association et je vais parrainer une des trois lionnes que vous avez réussi à transporter au paradis. La joie de les voir courir en liberté me mets les larmes aux yeux.
Mille fois merci pour eux. Vous êtes formidables j'aimerais tellement faire comme vous.

Lili... | Tuesday 31 May 2022

Oh mon dieu le parc est en vente !
Comme nombre d'entre vous je crains le pire pour les pensionnaires -esclaves de ce lieu abject, bien entendu les circassiens, comme d'habitude d'ailleurs et hélas, s'en tirerons a bon compte et ce dans tout les sens du terme ...
Et avec le nouveau gouvernement j'ai bien peur que rien ne soit fait dans l'intérêt de la cause animale, tout combat confondu...
Suis de tout 💚 avec tous celles et ceux qui cherchent des solutions pérennes pour les " Sans -Voix " et leur tire mon chat -pot !

Stella | Saturday 07 May 2022

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi le gouvernement ne fait rien! Normalement, il ne devrait plus y avoir de spectacles avec des animaux. Qu'attend Macron puisqu'il a tenu à être réélu! Heureusement qu'il y a des gens comme One Voice et d'autres pour leur venir en aide, car de la part de l'Elysée, on ne peut pas dire que ça se remue beaucoup pour s'intéresser aux cas catastrophiques des animaux en France!

olivo | Friday 29 April 2022

Trop de souffrances animales, et les gouvernements successifs, en France, qui n'en parlent pas du tout. Pas plus à la télévision, cela devrait etre un sujet dans les informations télévisées.