Tuesday 17 May 2022 | 19

Egyptair - yet more miserable flights

Egyptair - yet more miserable flights

Mis à jour le 20 June 2022

The airline company Egyptair is back in Cambodia... We suspect them once again of picking up monkeys to send to the United States to research laboratories where they will be poisoned (toxicity testing).

Hr blog

Edit from 18 May

576 monkeys are on board @EgyptAir flight MS5052 which will land in New York. They will then be taken to Charles River Laboratories...

Egyptair is henceforth playing a major role in the global trade of non-human primates for research purposes. The airline transports thousands of individuals from Cambodia and Mauritius to their death in American laboratories. Thanks to an employee at JFK airport in New York, we have been warned about these wretched transportations. Not much later than last week, on 12 May, Egyptair transported 462 long-tailed macaques, exported for Bioculture and Noveprim, from Mauritius to JFK for the Charles River account.

Each imprisoned on their sides in a small travel carrier, the monkeys travelled in the hold. They endured an approximately 22-hour flight, with one stopover in Cairo and many additional hours on the road in a lorry to and from the airports. A gruelling journey before certain death in atrocious suffering at the laboratories. What a horrendous way to treat these sensitive and intelligent animals!

Add your voice to that of Action for Primates, One Voice, and Stop Camarles by sending an email urging Egyptair to join the many airline companies who have refused to be implicated in this cruel global trade of monkeys:

Photo: juvenile long-tailed macaques in a breeding farm in Cambodia, Cruelty Free International

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Hr blog

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Comments 19

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Roméo | Wednesday 18 May 2022

STOP transport par vol des singes macaques pour les laboratoires

Robbie | Wednesday 18 May 2022

Stop à toutes expérimentations animales qui ne servent à rien. Nous le savons tous. JFK ne devrait pas être complice de cette maltraitance.

regus | Wednesday 18 May 2022

Contre ce trafic immonde, contre la maltraitance animale et contre l'expérimentation sur ces pauvres primates qui ne méritent pas un tel sort ! Honte à ceux qui permettent tout cela !

Dany | Wednesday 18 May 2022

Exécuter des expériences sur les animaux est d'une lâcheté sans nom ! C'est indigne d'un être humain civilisé !! C'est anormal alors qu'il y a des méthodes alternatives qui épargnent la vie de ces animaux qui sont incapables de faire du mal à qui que ce soit....Alors, pourquoi leur faire du mal ?? Il faut que tout cela cesse !!