Thursday 16 December 2021 | 20

Dumba still needs us!

Dumba still needs us!

Mis à jour le 20 December 2021

Another year of solitude has passed by for Dumba. Since her previous keepers put her into a permanent circus in Germany, she no longer spends her life on the road, shut up in a lorry, and is no longer subject to humiliating performances. But boredom still plagues her. Our investigators have witnessed her dismal day-to-day.

Hr blog

Time drags for Dumba… It has been a year since we found the elephant languishing at the back of the animal trainers’ property in the French department of Gard. It was 1 January 2021; she was kept prisoner in a tiny trailer and left to fight against the cold with temperatures below 0°c.

One year of rallying

We need to intervene urgently… we have moved heaven and earth to alert the public and the media, launched a petition, and reasoned with the mayor of Euzet-les-Bains who took the trainers’ side. We also sent letters to the region’s prefect and to the authorised representative in Alès and filed a complaint in order to obtain ownership of the elephant. However, despite the agreement of six independent experts attesting to her alarming state, the French authorities distinguished themselves by their inactivity. And Dumba’s ‘owners’ were able to escape to Germany peacefully.

Still in circus trainers’ hands

From now on, the elderly female is being kept in the Elefantenhof Platschow permanent circus near Hamburg. She has finally escaped from touring and training sessions that she has been enduring since being captured in Africa almost 40 years ago. Our investigators who diligently monitor her went back to see her. While other elephants are exploited between shows and popcorn, she has the privilege of not having to participate in acts. She can even take a few steps in a small enclosure at the back of a human-sized park and visitors don’t harass her. Is Dumba happy in view of all of this? Clearly not. Because she is still faced with isolation. Admittedly, she has other pachyderms surrounding her. But the enclosures separate them. So, it is alone, tragically alone, that Dumba’s days drag on.

Let’s offer her a better future!

Knowing that she is outside of our borders doesn’t mean that we will give up on improving her day-to-day life. Quite the contrary: proceedings are underway and we will fight until we get custody of her. Permanent circuses do not provide a satisfactory solution for the animals that they are keeping. Dumba should be cared for in a sanctuary with more space, surrounded by companions. We will fight until the end to obtain a peaceful sanctuary for her…

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 20

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Florence | Sunday 19 December 2021

Liberté chérie .
Ce pachiderme mérite d'être consolé 💔

Orion | Sunday 19 December 2021

Bonjour, Dumba a assez souffert de mauvais traitements, d'isolement, de solitude.
Il est temps qu'elle parte dans un sanctuaire pour être moins angoissée.
J'espère que tout se passera comme vous le voulez.
Je vous remercie pour tout ce que vous faites pour les animaux.
Recevez, ma sincère considération.

Marie José Bach | Sunday 19 December 2021

Tout notre soutien dans ce combat pour libérer Dumba

Ness | Sunday 19 December 2021

La température moyenne du mois le plus froid (janvier) est de 1,7 °C, celle du mois le plus chaud (juillet) est de 18,3 °C. Ces conditions climatiques de la ville d'Hambourg sont loin d'être celles du pays de naissance de Dumba et même si elle ne participe plus à ces spectacles débiles, son sort est loin d'être satisfaisant. J'observe l'ignominie des autorités françaises dans ce dossier, mais cela n'est hélas guère étonnant. Espérons que 2022 apporte à cette éléphante plus d'empathie et lui permette de connaître une meilleure situation.