Saturday 13 February 2021 | 18

Dolphinariums in China, the return of a bad omen for the orcas held by Marineland

Dolphinariums in China, the return of a bad omen for the orcas held by Marineland

Mis à jour le 13 February 2021

More than a year ago we warned that Marineland in Antibes was planning to send Inouk, Wikie, Moana and Keijo to a dolphinarium in China. After a month of
campaigning and three lines of denial, Marineland said it had no plans to send the orcas to China … in 2020.

Hr blog

A rumour that is unfortunately being confirmed

Since the announcements made by Barbara Pompili and the bill on the mistreatment of animals, the days of dolphinariums in France are – finally – numbered. But now there are fresh rumours about the future of the orcas in France: two Chinese establishments are said to intend to resort to artificial insemination of orcas already held in China, but also to buy captive orcas of reproductive age from abroad. Several such establishments have already been identified: in Russia, the United States, Japan … and in Spain and France.

That's when the declaration made by Marineland to Christian Estrosi during our campaign with Sea Shepherd last year becomes – unfortunately – interesting. It includes the statement "that the future of the animals in the park will depend on the decisions taken by the Ministry of Ecology".

Parc Astérix, a model that should definitely not be followed!

When we see how Parc Astérix got rid – there is no other way of expressing it – of the dolphins held there, it is impossible not to be alarmed at what the next few weeks will bring. No, sending the orcas, 'our' orcas, to China could not be perceived as a fine gesture by Marineland. Allowing this transfer to take place would be scandalous!

Yes, our orcas must be saved!

The end of dolphinariums in France will be a victory only on condition that the animals currently held are given a well-earned retirement, not a one-way ticket to an even worse fate! Inouk, Wikie, Moana and Keijo must not be sent to another dolphinarium, and certainly not to China. They were born in France and it is our duty to offer them a better life, a real life, in a sanctuary!

Translated by Patricia Fairey MCIL

Hr blog

In the subject

The court prohibit Marineland from relocating the orcas before the end of the independent assessment Moana has just died in the chlorinated Marineland prison, the only place he has seen in his twelve years of life. One Voice is going to court again

Comments 18

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

PITOU | Friday 19 February 2021

Pourquoi sont-ils à ce point dénué de coeur, d'empathie? Oserai-je parler de tendresse pour ces êtres juste incroyables et magnifiques qui n'y sont pour rien ??
Pourquoi il n'y a que le profit et l'argent qui guident tant de gens dans ce monde tellement beau ??
Pourquoi ça fait jubiler de regarder des esclaves dans l'eau ou ailleurs ?
Super 21éme siècle !! Merci One Voice, on est derrière vous, mais c'est dur de ne pas pleurer de rage tous les jours.

Olivia | Friday 19 February 2021

Je pensais trouver une pétition à signer. J'en ai déjà signées sur Le gouvernement devrait être sensible au nombre de signatures !
Oui, il faut tout entreprendre pour éviter le pire à ces malheureux animaux. Nous savons tous que la Chine n'est pas un pays pour les animaux !!!

Valérie | Friday 19 February 2021

Il serait inacceptable que les orques détenues par Marineland soient transférées dans un autre parc où qu'il soit ! Après une vie de souffrance ils méritent d'être accueillis dans un véritable sanctuaire. J'espère que Madame la ministre Barbara Pompili aura le courage et la sagesse de prendre la décision qui s'impose.

Ghys | Friday 19 February 2021

C'est une honte d'être en 2020 et voir de telles choses, les personnes qui font ça mériteraient d'être enfermées, et bien sûr dans de toutes petites surfaces. Le monde ne se refera jamais, tant qu'il y aura de la captivité, de la chasse, et tout autre souffrance animale !!! Nous sommes les seuls à faire du mal à la planète !!!!!