Monday 30 April 2018 | 15

Does Pinder hang up his whip in the locker room?

Does Pinder hang up his whip in the locker room?

Mis à jour le 23 May 2018

The Circus Pinder has cancelled several dates of performances (in May in Grenoble, Albertville, Valence ...), and currently does not offer any dates for booking after April 2018! Is it - finally - the beginning of the end of circuses with animals?

Hr blog

According to the press, the circus has cancelled several dates of performance, and on its website, no reservation is possible after the month of April. A bystander told us what the circus told her, but from our side, having failed to reach the circus - all calls unanswered- we cannot confirm this information. 

However, we can question this cancelled tour at a time when the legitimacy of the presence of the circus is questioned both by animal defenders and the public, who is turning more and more towards live shows without the exploitation of animals.

In any case, we are delighted that lions, lionesses, camels, zebras, donkeys, dogs and all the other animals of this circus are finally freed from the constraint of homelessness, from captivity in cramped cages, and from roadside car parks. When not touring, they live in a park, on the grass, in the Paris region.

In several photographs of Jo-Anne McArthur, taken during our investigation last year, lionesses and lions show their fangs...

The big cats have visibly had enough of these constraints, the gaze from the crowds, these obligations, this life without freedom... in the constant contact of these humans, the sensitive ears struck by this thunderous music, eyes blinded by multi-coloured spot lights...

We also remember that it is very bad for the lions back to be ridden upon by a human animal like a moped, as does the trainer at every performance. It is not normal for a big cat or any other animal to obey a human primate, or to be stored as a tool in cages on the back of trucks. It is not natural either to be whipped and to obey under duress! No animal has to undergo such treatment.

And even if he were born in captivity, the need and the thirst for freedom remains unchanged!

While waiting to know more, demand circuses without animals!

Photos: One Voice/Jo-Anne McArthur WeAnimals

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 15

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Ewa Perczak | Monday 30 April 2018

Les cirques avec les animaux doivent appartenir au passé !! Nous avons évolué alors nous devons passer aussi à l'étape suivante à savoir : le cirque sans animaux !!!

Victoria | Monday 30 April 2018

Please stop this.

Kath38 | Monday 30 April 2018

Enfin, peut-être le bout du tunnel pour tous ces animaux exploités dans les cirques ! Mais que vont-ils devenir? Car souvent en mauvais état de santé, peu de sanctuaires et cela aura un coût pour les soigner et les remettre de leurs traumatismes.
Mais cela donne espoir pour eux, merci pour vos combats !