Wednesday 07 June 2017 | 38

Two girls and 36 animals abandoned in 80m²!

Two girls and 36 animals abandoned in 80m²!

Mis à jour le 17 April 2019

How far can horror go? One Voice has filed a complaint in this sordid new case of mistreatment once again illustrating the link between the violence.

Hr blog

It was a kitten dying on a sidewalk that gave the alert and triggered the questioning of the owner. On February 13th, the gendarmes discovered the horror in an apartment near downtown Lamballe (22). In desolation, saturated with strong odours of excrement, sheltering in this house without hygiene two little girls (18 months and 5 years) surrounded by 19 cats, 6 dogs, 8 puppies and 2 rats. All, including the children in a real state of physiological misery.

If One Voice is a civil party in this case, it is so that all light is shed on the responsibilities of the young couple renting this council house. Housed in such distressful condition’s these children and as many animal companions, without any provision of necessary care. Behind all of this a social situation that is obviously difficult, unfortunately all too common, is probably hidden a new case of mistreatment combining humans and animals. The couple will have to answer for deprivation of care and food to minors under 15 years old and for abuse, acts of cruelty and maltreatment towards animals.

One Voice has been fighting for a long time to ensure that animal abuse receives an appropriate penal response, taking into account the existing link with the facts of violence against humans. In this case, letting so many animals and children waste away in such insalubrious conditions seems unimaginable. The two girls were taken care of by the social worker and the animals were collected by the SPA of Rennes. The hearing will take place this month.

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In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 38

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carole | Thursday 08 June 2017

Que font les assistantes sociales ? Je sais elles vont dans les familles où rien ne se passe ! Les voisins sont coupables également, les pleurs des enfants, les odeurs, rien ne semblait les déranger ? Je suis écoeurée de voir tant d'indifférence !

michéle | Wednesday 07 June 2017

Je suis horrifiée d'une telle maltraitance, comment est-il possible de laisser déjà des enfants et aussi des animaux dans cette souffrance et ce manque de soins? C'est inimaginable, ces adultes, si on peut les appeler ainsi, doivent être jugés et répondre de leur geste .

Celine | Wednesday 07 June 2017

C'est vraiment horrible !!! Dans de pareils cas je me pose la question "et avant qu'on le découvre tout ce monde, ça devait s'entendre, se sentir ??" et pour le après "va t-on laisser l'autorité parentale à de telles personnes ??"
Car souvent elle n'est malheureusement pas retirée.... Et il n'y a pas de suivi psychologique.... Et sans vouloir être pessimiste mais un jour ou l'autre ils recommenceront :'(

conchita | Wednesday 07 June 2017

Je suis sans mots ! Que peut-on faire face à une telle barbarie ? Ce qui me vient à l'esprit c'est que la justice doit agir très rapidement.