Friday 24 February 2017 | 81

Crime in the Réunion: Cat hunting is in open season

Crime in the Réunion: Cat hunting is in open season

Mis à jour le 07 May 2019

A cruel and indiscriminate hunt against cats has been opened by the Prefect of the Réunion on the pretext of protecting two endemic bird species. One Voice intervenes...

Hr blog

On 23 February, One Voice filed an interim appeal to suspend a recent order from the Prefect of the Réunion, which allows the controlling of stray cat populations near the nesting sites of the Barau Petrel and Bourbon Black Petrel seabirds. These endemic species of highly endangered seabirds have been the subject of successive and legitimate conservation plans since 2008. The occasional predation of birds by hungry cats is one of the possible threats identified by these plans (among 'others, like that of rats, which cats chase ...), the Prefect implements massive, totally illegal measures, which are the lethal capture and trapping of all stray cats over large areas of the National Park of the Réunion, for a period of 2 years.

State deficiencies in the management of feline strays, despite the record of euthanasia on the island (15,000 cats per year), is being carried out underhandly using the risk of extinction of Petrels. Already victims of abandonment or loss of their homes for first-generation cats, here now these cats are the target of illegal trapping, using different techniques: cages-traps, "Steve Allan Conibear-kill trap" and "Timms" devices. Kill traps or poisoned bait.

All of these attacks on the lives of domestic animals are prohibited, they seem not concerned by the regulations about animals liable to cause damage (formerly known as «harmful») or affected by rabies.

While other means could be used, deadly traps and poisonings are deployed without knowing which cats (or other animals) will be victims, for lack of prior identification. Activated traps are supposed to be removed within 24 hours ... in remote areas around the cirque of Cilaos (Piton des Neiges, Grand Bénare, Dimitile). A day at least of torture for each cat trapped under the blinding hot sun. We are anticipating the court date...

Hr blog

In the subject

Illegal animal adverts online: One Voice is filing a complaint against Leboncoin Feline straying: one year later than the set deadline and still no government report in sight

Comments 81

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silvana | Sunday 26 February 2017

Ce n'est pas en tuant et en massacrant que vous réglerez le problème mais en stérilisant mais cela demande un peu plus de temps.

gisele | Sunday 26 February 2017

Des stérilisations et non des euthanasies

saschka | Sunday 26 February 2017

La stérilisation est la seule solution, si cela avait été fait on n'aurait pas à tuer de pauvres être vivants ; on ne tue pas des chats c'est inacceptable.

mireille | Sunday 26 February 2017

C'est une horreur, une infamie contre-nature.LA STÉRILISATION EXISTE