Wednesday 08 June 2016 | 20

Coming soon… an elephant sanctuary in Europe!

Coming soon… an elephant sanctuary in Europe!

Mis à jour le 09 March 2018

The elephants will soon have their European sanctuary, in France! Thanks to the partnership and support of One Voice, the Elephant Haven refuge is taking the big step, opening its doors to the first elephants in the beginning of 2017…

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One Voice was entrusted with Vicky in 2006, rescued from a circus, and they transferred her into a Polish zoo that takes in animals in need. But the pachyderm problem is ongoing. Rescue them, yes, but where can they be homed? In 2013, the same dilemma arose with Samba, a circus fugitive who had killed a man whilst running away. At that point in time, Elephant Haven was unable to help.

One Voice's president, Muriel Arnal says, "There is an increasing citizen uprising against circuses with wild animals. The local authorities have taken this on board and a growing number of municipalities are refusing them. It is the right time to organise this type of sanctuary, already in place in the United States, and also in India created by One Voice with Wildlife SOS. Sofie and Tony have turned the dream into reality here with this project. We are really excited to see the first elephant reach the sanctuary!"

Tony? Tony Verhulst. With fifteen years of full time experience looking after elephants at the zoo d'Anvers from 1993, the Elephant Haven idea was born thanks to his passion and his knowledge. Sofie Goetghebeur worked at Anvers Zoo at the same time as Tony, and, like Tony, she was deeply affected by the state of certain captive elephants that she came across during her career. The solution was clear to them: open the first elephant sanctuary in Europe.

Elephant Haven will be constructed at Bussière-Galant, in the Haute-Vienne region, 400km south of Paris

On gently rolling hills, the haven comprises of 28 hectares of agricultural land, which will expand even more in the future. The Haven's ambition is to offer a safe haven to elderly elephants, tired from a life in the circus or isolated in a forgotten zoo. They will be able to discover a calm and sociable existence until the end of their days on this undulating property scattered with small woods. The elephants of course will be unrestricted, free to roam without chains or training. The public will be invited to view them, but only at a distance, with no contact allowed. There is no reproduction programme in mind, the aim being to accommodate as many elephants as possible without creating a zoo.

Upon the announcement of the One Voice partnership, Tony exclaimed on the social networks, "We are happy to announce that, thanks to One Voice, we have taken a big leap towards creating an elephant refuge in Europe! We and the elephants thank you from the bottom of our hearts!"

As for Sofie, she had this to say, "Very happy about the partnership with One Voice! We can do so much working together… And together, we will see the first elephants arrive at the beginning of next year!"

Thanks to the One Voice partnership with Elephant Haven, we hope that, soon, Samba will walk side by side with Betty or Syndha in the Limousin plains, shaking their ears in happiness…

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In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 20

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SYLVIE | Wednesday 08 June 2016

Il me tarde de rendre visite à ces animaux magnifiques et de faire connaître ce lieu autour de moi. Merci de nous tenir informer de l'évolution de ce grand projet.

sim | Wednesday 08 June 2016

merveilleux projet !! Bravo à cette équipe et à ONE VOICE !!

il faut en finir et vite avec la détention d'animaux sauvages dans les cirques !!
faire comprendre aux circassiens que nous aimons les chapiteaux, mais sans la souffrance ..
leur expliquer et leur faire accepter est capital !

cette " tradition" est d'un autre âge..
Merci à tous les courageux maires, à leur humanisme
qui aideront à faire avancer les mentalités ..

longue route à Elephant Haven ..

Pepito | Wednesday 08 June 2016

Tres belle initiative.Bravo.

lamdan | Wednesday 08 June 2016

Je suis extrêmement heureux d'apprendre cette nouvelle. Enfin un endroit pour leurs tranquillités. A l'abri de la sauvagerie humaine. Merci